Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

The NRA isn't a boogeyman organization behind a curtain. The NRA is made up of millions of people who believe in the Second Amendment and the organization is very closely connected to the country music community.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Despite Obama's claim that pro-Second Amendment groups want less gun safety, the opposite is true.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

The Tea Party was regularly smeared in media as a violent, bigoted, 'astroturf' movement hellbent on opposing the first black president because of his skin color rather than his big-government policies. These classifications were made without evidence, and there were many more.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

In the age of global warming hysteria and the $93 trillion 'Green' New Deal, leftist advocates for more government intervention in the economy under the guise of environmentalism have engaged in a new smear: If you don't buy into climate change hysteria, you're a 'denier' who doesn't care about the environment.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Ivanka's work is never-ending. Whether it's meeting with workers looking to bridge a skills gap, visiting female engineers building innovative robotics, speaking to leaders around the world about the importance of female entrepreneurship and much more, Ivanka has been quietly racking up long-term successes for the country.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

If President Obama had his way, the United States would be just like Britain and Australia, where handguns were confiscated and remain banned with little to show for it. Thankfully, the Second Amendment and the American people will not stand for it.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Trump did not reverse a policy that allows the mentally ill to purchase firearms as reporters, media pundits and anti-Second Amendment activists have recklessly claimed. Instead, he's given millions of individuals their constitutional rights back.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Egypt is home to the largest Christian population in the Middle East, largely because they've been persecuted to brink of extinction everywhere else in the region.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

I think in the United States we have a different standard for what equality means for women that isn't really that comparable to that in the Middle East.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

But in terms of what men and women can do, I believe and I think that America as a whole believes that women can do the same jobs as men and that we're not created unequally when it comes to the opportunities that we can pursue and the kind of work that we can do.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Well, I moved to Washington, D.C. when I was just fresh out of college.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

I grew up in a conservative household, my parents were small business owners, so it really just was kind of part of who we were.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Conservatism to me is limited government, liberty and sticking to the Constitution and realizing that government is not the solution to almost anything, that your community, your family is the solution to everything.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

But the truth is that throughout human history slavery has existed. And America came along as the first country to end it within 150 years. And we get no credit for that.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

The question of a valid parental-child relationship is at the center of how the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services handle detainment. Because of fraudulent documentation, profits to smugglers, and false asylum claims, there is essentially no way to prove or verify adults traveling with children are indeed their parents.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Under the Obama administration, 80-90 percent of individuals making asylum claims with children were released after being processed and given a court date. Inevitably, they started living in the U.S. illegally for years to come. This is the policy the Trump administration is trying to change.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

When Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon for the first time and said the famous words, 'That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind,' he was talking about all of us. Men and women.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

The pro-life movement is and has been led by women for decades. The history of the movement shows this, despite the current narrative about men 'controlling' or making laws about women's bodies.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

There is a heap of evidence to show Michael Avenatti is a liar and yet he was treated as the ultimate arbitrator of truth. How embarrassing.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Big government, global environmentalism cannot work unless everyone pitches in. With China, Russia, India and a number of other countries constantly cheating the rules of international climate agreements, it makes staying in them an expensive - yet fruitless - cause.