Adam Cohen
Adam Cohen

Conservatives like to insist that their judges are strict constructionists, giving the Constitution and statutes their precise meaning and no more, while judges like Ms. Sotomayor are activists. But there is no magic right way to interpret terms like 'free speech' or 'due process' - or potato chip.

Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis

In the early 1970s in Washington, a small group of young conservative activists came together to try and change American politics. They called themselves the New Right, and they were convinced that unless they did something drastic, the liberals and the left-wingers in America were going to take over the country.

Alanis Morissette
Alanis Morissette

I don't want to offend people and I don't want to be mean, but social commentary and comedy for me are part and parcel. I think the greatest social activists are comedians.

Alex Azar
Alex Azar

Named after four activists and their families who fought for its passage, the Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn, and Matthew Bellina Right to Try Act of 2017 establishes a new pathway for access to unapproved, investigational treatments. These four Americans fought for the Right to Try because they didn't want to give up.

Alicia Garza
Alicia Garza

Black Lives Matter, as a network, will not, does not, has not, ain't going to endorse any candidates. Now if there are activists within the movement that want to do that independently, they should feel free, and if that's what makes sense for their local conditions, that's fantastic.

Amy Goodman
Amy Goodman

If 2,000 Tea Party activists descended on Wall Street, you would probably have an equal number of reporters there covering them.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

The Medicaid money that right-wingers want to snatch away from Planned Parenthood actually goes toward critical preventative care and treatments for the disadvantaged. So if pro-life activists are genuine in wanting to preserve human lives, waging a war against clinics that help low-income men and women isn't the way to go.

Andreja Pejic
Andreja Pejic

Radical feminists are often highly conservative in many areas except for women's rights, and LGBT activists can be the same.

Andrew Breitbart
Andrew Breitbart

All left-wing activists, whether it be WTO, anti-WTO, or anti-war, are idealistic as framed by the Democratic Media Complex.

Chris Gabrieli
Chris Gabrieli

Indeed, while so much in education reform can divide activists into warring camps, expanding learning time unites reformers around a shared vision of bringing excellence and breadth to our nation's most impoverished and struggling schools.