
[Mera jumps from a plane into a desert]
Cargo Pilot: She jumped! She didn't have a parachute!
Arthur Curry: Redheads! You gotta love 'em.
[jumps after her]


[Mera and Arthur find an Atlantean device in the desert]
Mera: [can't activate it] Nothing.
Arthur Curry: Of course it's not working. It's been sitting here gathering dust since before the Sahara was a desert!
Mera: Before the Sahara was a desert... You do your best thinking when you're not thinking at all. Hold still.

[extracts sweat from Arthur]
Mera: We need water. You're the closest source.
[uses the water to get the device working]
Arthur Curry: Show-off. I could've just peed on it.


[Mera destroys the device]
Arthur Curry: WAIT! Shouldn't we have written it down?
Mera: I memorized it. Didn't you?
Arthur Curry: Uh, yeah.
Mera: What did it say?
Arthur Curry: Something something trident.


Queen Atlanna: I am Atlanna, Queen of Atlantis.
Thomas Curry: I am Thomas, Keeper of Lighthouse.


Orm: People of Atlantis, hear me! My brother has come from the surface... to challenge me for the throne! Let us settle this in the ancient way: by bloodshed do the gods make known their will!


Arthur Curry: We should turn back. We can still warn the surface, try and prepare them for what's coming...
Mera: Turn back?
Arthur Curry: Look, I learned from a young age not to show weakness, okay? I solve my problems with my anger and my fists. I'm a blunt instrument and I'm damn good at it. I've done nothing but get my ass kicked

this whole trip. I'm no leader. I'm not a king. I do not work or play well with others. And I can't let you die, trying to turn me into something I'm not.
Mera: You think you're unworthy to lead because you're of two different worlds? But that is exactly why you are worthy! You are the bridge between land and sea! I can see that now. The question is, can you?


Mera: Atlantis has always had a king. Now it needs something more.
Arthur Curry: Well, what could be greater than a king?
Queen Atlanna: A hero. A king fights only for his own nation. You fight for everyone.


[last lines]
Arthur Curry: [narrates] My father was a lighthouse keeper. My mother was a queen. They were never meant to meet. But their love saved the world. They made me what I am: a son of the land, a king of the seas. I am the protector of the deep. I am... Aquaman.


[Aquaman smashes into a submarine captured by pirates]
Arthur Curry: Permission to come aboard.


Mera: [browsing a bookstall on Sicily] I just learned something very interesting.
[holds up a copy of "Pinocchio"]
Mera: "Pinocchio." You risked our lives based on something you read in a *children's book*?
Arthur Curry: Wait, it's a book? How about that? I got it from a movie.


Cue Ball: Hey, buddy. You the Fish Boy from the TV?
Arthur Curry: It's "fish man." What do you want?
Cue Ball: [menacing] I'll tell you what I want...
Cue Ball: Could we get a picture with you?


Mera: [introduces Arthur to Atlantis] Welcome home.
Arthur Curry: This is bad-ass!


Orm: Down here, we have a legend about the Karathen, an ancient sea monster so powerful that even King Atlan himself couldn't contain it. So he imprisoned it in the depths of the ocean. In that abyss, the creature bides its time, waiting to rise again. Atlantis has been lying in wait, and now the beast has awakened.
Arthur Curry: You know, there was a time

when I wanted to meet you one day, get to know my little brother, let him know that he wasn't alone, and we could hang out together. If only I'd know what a dick you'd turn out to be.
Orm: You were the reason our mother was executed. And I've hated you for it ever since. But I do not want to kill you, Arthur. I am going to give you one chance. Go home. Do not ever come back

to Atlantis. You are not going to win this. A war is coming to the surface whether you like or not. And I am bringing the wrath of the Seven Seas with me.
Arthur Curry: You know I can't let that happen.
Orm: I know.


Young Arthur (13): I already know how to swim.
Nuidis Vulko: Not even close. You have to forget all the teaching of the surface world, go deeper to discover your Atlantean instincts.


[Jesse Kane is trapped under a missile]
David Kane: Wait! You can't leave him here! Help me! Please!
Arthur Curry: You killed innocent people! Ask the sea for mercy!


[Arthur defeats Orm]
Orm: Finish it!
Arthur Curry: Yield the throne.
Orm: Mercy is not our way.
Arthur Curry: Maybe you haven't noticed, brother...
[lowers the trident]
Arthur Curry: ... but I'm not one of you.
Orm: Do it!
[tears off his

Queen Atlanna: NO! That is enough killing!
Orm: ...Mother?


Arthur Curry: We got a bogey on our tail!
Mera: What does that even mean?
Arthur Curry: Bad guys behind us!
Mera: Why didn't you just say that?
Arthur Curry: Bad guys behind us!


David Kane: I scavenge the high seas. You're the Aquaman. We were bound to meet at some point!
Arthur Curry: Let's not make it a habit.


Manta: I think I'm gonna need a bigger helmet.


Arthur Curry: [narrates] My mother had fled an arranged marriage, left her whole world behind, but in my father's lighthouse, she had found something unexpected. And my father found the love of his life.