Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I love that once you know the basic rules of maths, you can do whatever you want with it.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

When I was little, I carried a book of times tables around everywhere and always tried to get the best score. I like the fact that you don't need any tools, only your head. I also enjoy rules and, with maths, you are either right or wrong.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

Maths is like learning a language: you need to learn the basics to get going, but a lot of adults go into blind panic about numbers and switch off.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

Some of the words that pop up on the show have had terrible connotations. But that's the beauty of 'Countdown.'

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

You can have your opinions, and you can share them with your friends, but why would you go online to tell a stranger something random about their appearance? I don't get that.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I have never been graceful, never been elegant.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

My parents encourage me to save, but I do buy the odd thing that I wouldn't tell them about.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I'm really lucky to be in the TV industry and to have a regular yearly contract. That gives me security.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

Without 'Countdown,' I'd probably still be a data analyst in London.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

More than other subjects, there's a myth that you have to be an absolute genius to be good at maths and to enjoy it, so I think it's less accessible for people. Even the word 'maths' makes people screw their face up. They do the maths face.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

There's an ingrained mentality in our culture that women aren't as good. Other places, it doesn't exist.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I'm really interested in male and female brains and whether female brains or male brains are better at maths.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I'd love to present a popular science programme because it's something I feel very passionate about.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I don't think you need to get married necessarily. Girls just assume they will get married and have babies, but that isn't the right thing for everyone.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I've had inquiries for things like TV show 'Splash,' where people go out in front of the whole nation in a bikini. But I think bikinis are just for the beach.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I enjoy things that are relevant to me, like maths and science and 'Countdown,' and I don't want to offend our viewers.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I think we've come a long way with women's rights, but we've got a long way to go.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

I was used to Essex boys growing up. Russian boys are a lot more gentlemanly and thoughtful. They will express their emotions a bit more.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

Practising maths can be fun.

Rachel Riley
Rachel Riley

There is no time you should shut the doors, as there is always love out there for you.