Victor Mature
Victor Mature

I'm no actor, and I've got 64 pictures to prove it.

Victor Mature
Victor Mature

Hollywood is a place where the stars twinkle until they wrinkle.

Victor Mature
Victor Mature

There's a lot to be said for loafing if you know how to do it gracefully.

Victor Mature
Victor Mature

I'm an emotional actor. When I'm doing a scene, I really believe it. I live the part as long as I'm in the scene.

Victor Mature
Victor Mature

Actually, I am a golfer. That is my real occupation. I never was an actor. Ask anybody, particularly the critics.

Victor Mature
Victor Mature

I wasn't pampered the way a Tyrone Power was.

Victor Mature
Victor Mature

I took acting five times as seriously as anyone else. I just couldn't show it.