A.J. Styles
A.J. Styles

I would love to tell you that it's been absolutely perfect, that I've been a man that's been super Christian. But I've had mistakes, dumb things I've regretted, so it's not a perfect life. But it's one that has helped me make better decisions.

Aaron Douglas
Aaron Douglas

When I was fourteen years old, our family drove all the way from Vancouver to Newfoundland and back. I've been all across the great land of Canada. I absolutely love the Maritimes, and I'm very excited to go back, particularly in the fall when it's one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Aaron Eckhart
Aaron Eckhart

But I will say this: In my humble opinion, knowing nothing about it, I do believe that they have remote viewers working on where Osama Bin Laden is. I absolutely, 100%, convinced of that.

Aaron Klein
Aaron Klein

Just for the record, I personally do agree with some of the sentiments of Rabbi Meir Kahane. I think he was right about certain things, wrong about other things, but I have absolutely nothing, no association whatsoever with Kahane Chai leaders.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul

I consider myself absolutely a character actor, and that's what I want as a career. I don't need to be the lead star or any of that, as long as I'm doing stuff that I'm proud of, really.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul

I love everyone over at Netflix. They're all fantastic and an absolute joy to work with.

Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers

The NCAA makes so much money off of their kids, and they put ridiculous - absolutely ridiculous - restrictions on everything that they can do.

Aaron Stanford
Aaron Stanford

I absolutely know how to sit in front of a computer screen, that's for sure.

Aasif Mandvi
Aasif Mandvi

I've actually changed my view of Los Angeles. When I was younger, I hated it, because I thought it was fake and superficial. As I've gotten older, I've found that to be absolutely true, but I don't care.

Abby Johnson
Abby Johnson

Can you love people into truth? Absolutely.