Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

The concert industry lags dramatically behind the great hospitality businesses out there, whether they're theme parks or hotels or sporting events.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Rihanna can sell just as many tickets in Cape Town as she can in Detroit.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Jay Z is one of the world's preeminent touring artists.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

In our business we don't mind if a price of a ticket goes down; our job is to get as many bums in seats as possible.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Our job is to build a company for the future that can meet the demands of the artist and fan of the future.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

A promoter needs to be in the e-commerce ticketing business. In a fundamental sense the promoter's job is to buy a show and go and market and sell the tickets.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Everyone loves to criticize Ticketmaster, but the real asset of Ticketmaster is that it's the third-largest e-commerce site in America.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

The history of the ticketing business was about barriers to entry, which kept Ticketmaster protected. That has changed.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

When a fan buys a ticket, we learn an enormous amount about them: What bands they like, where they live, how much they are willing to spend. Someday, a fan will be sitting in a bar and his cellphone will text message 'Sonic Youth are playing tonight. Do you want to go?' He'll buy his ticket over the phone and walk to the concert.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

In my business, the cheaper the ticket price the better. I'd love for more consumers to walk into an amphitheater, park, have a beer and eat a hot dog. There's no advantage to me to have anything but sold-out shows.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

To be a great concert marketer, we are shifting our focus from traditional media to online and mobile as direct ways to reach consumers.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

My kids, my health and my job are all equally important.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Hosting over 35,000 concerts and festivals each year, Live Nation has the opportunity and responsibility to provide our artists and fans with a live music experience that protects our planet. The adverse effects of climate change are undeniable, and we want to use our place on the world stage to be part of the solution.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

EDM is here to stay. If you're 19 years old, this is your rock 'n' roll.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

As an industry, YouTube and digital content have a huge upside to creation and virally reach fans, and there's a multi-billion dollar business of advertising attached to that.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Vice has done a great job at talking to millennials.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Part of calling ourselves Live Nation was about starting to shift the way we think, to be first and foremost fan-focused.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

The touring business is obviously critical to selling records, building fan bases, selling T-shirts, fulfilling sponsorship commitments.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Madonna would not have done a 360 deal with us just because of our touring capability. We had to prove to her and others that we have been working on and built a very good execution capacity at Artist Nation.

Michael Rapino
Michael Rapino

Going into 2010, we didn't expect the consumer pullback that happened. We all thought that the theory that concerts are recession-proof was true.