Joe Perry
Joe Perry

I think people have to be more aware of what the repercussions are of their actions.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

The Beatles had some juice when it came to distortion, but Clapton was finally able to break through those early studio engineers' fear of overloading. He defined the sound that guitarists spend the rest of their lives trying to get.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

There's no doubt arena shows are exciting, but you don't get that up close and personal kind of vibe, and that's what rock n' roll is all about for me.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

I've come to realize that you live on through recordings; they're like a musical diary, a window into somebody's soul.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

Some of the best rock riffs ever written were by Jimmy Page, and I can't really name the songs, but some of the stuff he did on his first and second records is beyond brilliant.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

Whenever I hear somebody cover a song, I don't like to hear it stray too far from the original. I like to hear some of the new energy that a band will put into it, but you kind of want to hear some of the basic parts of the song. I mean, that's what makes it the song that you like.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

My Portuguese uncle had a Portuguese version of a ukulele. The family would pull it out after dinner and play Portuguese folk songs on it. I couldn't wait for him to finish so I could get my hands on it. I was seven or eight years old. And he used to have a Fender amp in his house and an electric guitar. I would spend hours making sounds.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

Every time I get in front of an audience, I do the best I can. I really don't look at it like, you know, 'This is gonna be this crowd, or that crowd.' If anything, I think about the demographics only because of what songs will entertain more than others.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

I've been fascinated with all kinds of weapons my whole life, and as I have been able to afford to acquire pieces, here and there I started to collect.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

Y'know, I don't like jazz much. I'll put it on once in a while and listen, and I'll appreciate it.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

After a while, no matter how much you love any pop song, you're going to get tired of it. That's the way it is with any entertainment. It's good when you first hear it or see it, you like it for a while, then it gets old. It gets chewed up and spit out and it's done.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

Sometimes when a record's done, I'm satisfied and I won't listen back to it for a while 'cause I'm usually pretty tired of the songs. Then I've got to learn them again to play them live, and sometimes it takes a while to realise it's a really good record.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

I've been going long enough to prove what I wanted to prove, to get the girl I wanted to get, to make the money I wanted to make, to drink all the beer I wanted to drink. I've played - not exactly everywhere, but I've played enough places.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

The kids get a vote. That's very important when it comes to raising kids. And always keep the bigger picture in mind.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

It seems ridiculous that you can be in one state with your driver's license and buy a firearm, and then in the next state it is totally illegal. There are real problems to that, but as soon as you bring up the subject and say 'gun control,' it sets a red flag.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

I'm turned off by the groupie thing. I'm a romantic; I like finding the right woman, and if it works, it works.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

L.A. was just an inspiring kind of place to be. It felt like going to Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. Everybody's there. Everybody's hanging around. Everybody's talking about music.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

For me, L.A. was, and is, a very creative place to be.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

It's easy to put on a Deep Purple record and say, 'That sounds great.' But why? Part of it is individual practice, but by playing together, a talent of meshing happens.

Joe Perry
Joe Perry

I don't think there's anything anybody's doing that the Beatles didn't at least try at some point.