David Crystal
David Crystal

Language itself changes slowly, but the Internet has speeded up the process of those changes so you notice them more quickly.

David Crystal
David Crystal

Likewise, there is no evidence that texting teaches people to spell badly: rather, research shows that those kids who text frequently are more likely to be the most literate and the best spellers, because you have to know how to manipulate language.

David Crystal
David Crystal

Academics don't normally manage to alter people's way of thinking through their strength of argument.

David Crystal
David Crystal

The main effect of the Internet on language has been to increase the expressive richness of language, providing the language with a new set of communicative dimensions that haven't existed in the past.

David Crystal
David Crystal

It doesn't take a language long to disappear once the spirit to continue with it leaves its community. In fact, the speed of the decline has been one of the main findings of recent linguistic research.

David Crystal
David Crystal

Spellings are made by people. Dictionaries eventually reflect popular choices. And the Internet is allowing more people to influence spelling than ever before.

David Crystal
David Crystal

People are very ready to criticize other people's accents. There's no correlation between accents and intelligence or accents and criminality, but people do make judgments.

David Crystal
David Crystal

Word books traditionally focus on unusual and quirky items. They tend to ignore the words that provide the skeleton of the language, without which it would fall apart, such as 'and' and 'what,' or words that provide structure to our conversation, such as 'hello.'

David Crystal
David Crystal

Spellings are made by people. Dictionaries - eventually - reflect popular choices.

David Crystal
David Crystal

One notable feature is that English doesn't have much of a system for expressing relative social status.

David Crystal
David Crystal

Although many texters enjoy breaking linguistic rules, they also know they need to be understood.

David Crystal
David Crystal

One of the places the full stop is really being revised in a really fundamental way is on the Internet. You look at the Internet or any instant messaging exchange - anything that is a fast dialogue taking place. People simply do not put full stops in unless they want to make a point.

David Crystal
David Crystal

There's nothing unusual about a single language dying. But what's going on today is extraordinary when we compare the situation to what has happened in the past. We're seeing languages dying out on a massive scale.

David Crystal
David Crystal

You can say now, 'I dissed him' - to diss, I dissed him - or, 'Stop dissing her'. And that's the interesting thing, that it's the prefix that's become the verb! It's a most remarkable development.

David Crystal
David Crystal

It took three years to put Shakespeare's words together, there were a lot of words to be studied and a lot of words to be sorted out, and it proved to be a major project.

David Crystal
David Crystal

The one thing about internet language, people join it, and what quickly evolves is an 'internet dialect,' as it were.

David Crystal
David Crystal

At the same time we overlap, because, I do linguistics, and Ben did a first degree in Linguistics at Lancaster University, so he knows some of my subject.

David Crystal
David Crystal

When we look at the specific effect of the Internet on language, languages asking the question, 'Has English become a different language as a result of the Internet?' the answer has to be no.

David Crystal
David Crystal

People say that text messaging is a new language and that people are filling texts with abbreviations - but when you actually analyse it, you find they're not.

David Crystal
David Crystal

English does have a larger vocabulary than other languages because of its history as the primary language of science and its global reach.