Alex Azar
Alex Azar

The Medicare program is a great promise we've made to our seniors. But if you start expanding that out to everybody else, you're going to undermine the employer insurance market.

Alex Morgan
Alex Morgan

To force a change, sometimes you need to stand up. You know what you're worth - rather than what your employer is paying you.

Alice Hamilton
Alice Hamilton

When employers tell me they prefer married men, and encourage their men to have homes of their own, because it makes them so much steadier, I wonder if they have any idea of all that that implies.

Alissa Quart
Alissa Quart

Motherhood gives you access to a range of different intellectual experiences and ways of seeing the world, which, in a way, makes you more flexible in the workplace. But our employers, our colleagues, don't necessarily understand.

Andrea Leadsom
Andrea Leadsom

As an employer, we're not - let's face it: most of us don't employ men as nannies. Most of us don't. Now you can call that sexist; I call that cautious and very sensible when you look at the stats. Your odds are stacked against you if you employ a man.

Andrew Lloyd Webber
Andrew Lloyd Webber

Here's the truth. The proposed top rate of income tax is not 50 per cent. It is 50 per cent plus 1.5 per cent national insurance paid by employees plus 13.3 per cent paid by employers. That's not 50 per cent. Two years from now, Britain will have the highest tax rate on earned income of any developed country.

Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

I find it a very encouraging sign for a society if employers are bringing online education to their companies, helping employees gain more knowledge.

Andrew P. Harris
Andrew P. Harris

An 'exchange' would allow everyone to choose their health care insurance from a broad range of options - just like federal employees and Congress do right now - and allow their employer to help pay for it.

Andy Stern
Andy Stern

The AFL-CIO is a structure that divides workers' strength by allowing each union to organize in any industry, then bargain on its own, even when workers share a common employer.

Chris Gardner
Chris Gardner

Fortunately, our digital age has created some wonderful tools for finding employers and showing your strengths. But when it comes to discovering or keeping a job, nothing beats good old-fashioned face time and up-to-date skills.