Alan Cheuse
Alan Cheuse

We want a world with both historians and novelists, don't we? Not with one or the other. Every fiction writer crosses the line that divides artistry and documentation - or erases it.

Alexander Pope
Alexander Pope

Remembrance and reflection how allied. What thin partitions divides sense from thought.

Ali Smith
Ali Smith

You never know what you're going to end up with when you sit down to write something. At the end, if it holds, it can do this multifarious thing - which is to open things rather than close them, to make them bigger rather than smaller, to cross those divides which we live every day of our lives.

Alissa Quart
Alissa Quart

Like other elements of childhood for the precociously gifted - private or home schooling, overstructured activity, and proto-professional training - edutainment products are part of a system that divides children into haves and have-lesses.

Andy Stern
Andy Stern

The AFL-CIO is a structure that divides workers' strength by allowing each union to organize in any industry, then bargain on its own, even when workers share a common employer.

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger

The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens.

Ashish Vidyarthi
Ashish Vidyarthi

So many of us have moved to another city, and it's across strata, economic divides, educational status etc, but we have found ourselves in a new city with its new challenges. So there is something about 'Dayashankar' that people connect with.

Charlie Dent
Charlie Dent

We live in a time of conflict - external and internal - when we sometimes concentrate too much on what divides us. Today, fly the Stars and Stripes with pride and confidence that what unites is far stronger.

Choi Woo-shik
Choi Woo-shik

I feel the wall that divides films screened online and in the cinema is becoming less and less significant.

Chris Grayling
Chris Grayling

Few escape our most deprived estates. Few young people with potential escape difficult upbringings. Fewer cross the social divides.