Madam Walker was a master marketer. But her brilliance was in taking it to another level by training women, by traveling, by making very motivational speeches and by providing independent income for women who otherwise would have to be maids and sharecroppers.
If you want to leave move money in the hands of poor people, you cannot do it through personal income tax cuts. You have to just give them money.
Insurance is important for protecting the health of people and Ujjwala is quite useful to low-income women.
If the BJP government, like the Congress party, had asked what were the numbers on the fraction of people under a particular income, would I have not told them the truth? I would have told them exactly. I would have been as willing.
When you compare individuals, rather than countries, you find that education improves both income and the quality of life.
The poverty line in the U.S., for example, has nothing to do with the poverty line in India. It is a relative poverty line. It is reset from time to time but it is related to U.S. median income, so if I set that to be the absolute poverty line everyone in India would essentially be poor.
A universal cash transfer in the form of a minimum guaranteed income would mean that automatically everyone has something to fall back on without having to deal with the vagaries of their local panchayat.
Everything in America is so stratified by class now. We have the 93rd level of income inequality in the world. You're already seeing highway lanes that are for pay and ones that aren't.
I believe that when you do what you love, you find higher levels of satisfaction that can compensate for lower income.
When I was 19 or 20 years old, I wasn't making a living wrestling. I needed a full-time income.