Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Family business management is a discipline that has evolved from an art into a science. The market for this line of education has been created by the growing recognition of family-run companies that shareholders are demanding greater clarity on issues ranging from succession to the management of wealth and the distribution of profits.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

All economically well-off nations have used what has been dubbed 'cheque-book diplomacy,' and China does so, too. Apart from funding government-to-government lending, China has also been able to create global companies and global brands that have contributed to Chinese soft power.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

A common language doesn't soothe dry tongues and thirsty throats.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Indeed, China may never acquire the geo-political influence and reach that Great Britain enjoyed in the 19th century and the United States of America did in the 20th, even though it may have already surpassed the geo-economic clout the two major powers enjoyed in the heyday of their empires.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Every university has its problems. The issues range from lack of amenities, plagiarism, poor quality research, sexual harassment, faculty moonlighting, and faulty and biased recruitment.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Policies aimed at attracting more foreign investment into India would naturally be a part of an external stabilisation strategy.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

India's difficulties in negotiating an FTA with both the ASEAN and E.U. are a reminder of the importance of multilateralism.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Africa is experiencing rising rates of growth, but will growth get translated into development?

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

The challenge of leadership in a plural democracy is to construct policies that ensure political stability, social equity, and economic progress on the basis of a widely shared ethical and cultural foundation.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Given the stake that both the U.S. and Europe have in stabilising and sustaining global growth, their policies should be aimed at ensuring China, India, and other newly industrialising Asian economies can take up the slack created by the slowdown in OECD economies.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

It is inconceivable that the rise of Asia could happen without the rise of the Indian subcontinent.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

The World Bank is a shareholder-driven organisation, and as in all such organisations, the majority of shareholders would want a manager of their liking at the top.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

The 1990s was not just Japan's 'wasted decade,' it was also a wasted decade for the India-Japan relationship.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

In some ways, Mr. Modi's foreign policy is a continuation of Dr. Manmohan Singh's, and in some ways, it could be that Mr. Modi was repossessing all the non Nehru-Gandhi leaders of the Congress.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

If U.S. mistakes in the Middle East helped Putin raise Russia's global profile, China's missteps and hubris in East and Southeast Asia, once called Indo-China, have opened up new spaces for India's profile to be raised.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Policies that aim to promote the livelihood security of the people - promoting employment, improving the nutritional status of children and women, expanding educational opportunities, and providing affordable healthcare - would be the first charge on the budget of a developmental state.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

The G-20,with all its inadequacies, is a mixed group of the world's rising and risen powers.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Strategic autonomy is not secured by merely asserting one's independence: it is secured by creating mutually beneficial interdependencies.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Angela Merkel is no Konrad Adenauer or Helmut Schmidt.

Sanjaya Baru
Sanjaya Baru

Continent-wide nations require continent-wide leaders whenever they are in crisis. The 'idea of Europe,' much like the 'idea of India' was the construction of such continental leaders.