Alan Tudyk
Alan Tudyk

I got the Clarence Durbin Award, the Equity Award - which is cool because it has a cash prize which is cooler than a trophy, especially when you're a struggling actor, and you can't pay rent.

Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson

Equity is the cushion that protects financial institutions from unexpected changes in the value of their assets. The greater the leverage, the smaller the losses required to wipe out a company's equity, leaving it without enough money to repay the people who hold its debt.

Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson

Big banks have long had private equity divisions that put up capital for deals too complex or risky for individual shareholders to finance.

Alexander Lebedev
Alexander Lebedev

I am probably the biggest equity investor in the history of modern Russia.

Alvaro Uribe
Alvaro Uribe

The basic dream of many Colombians is to have a secure nation, without exclusions, with equity, and without hatred.

Amartya Sen
Amartya Sen

When the Nobel award came my way, it also gave me an opportunity to do something immediate and practical about my old obsessions, including literacy, basic health care and gender equity, aimed specifically at India and Bangladesh.

Chiang Kai-shek
Chiang Kai-shek

Government acquisition of food supplies in time of war is no less important than conscription. Equity is the fundamental principle applicable to both these essential phases of war administration.

Chirlane McCray
Chirlane McCray

Pay equity matters because those dollars add up over time.

Chris Long
Chris Long

Educational equity was my way of giving my salary. It's not $10 million or anything. I'm not going to act like I'm the first guy to donate $1 million to something, but it has been good.

Chris Long
Chris Long

Michelle Obama has also done a lot of work in the scope of educational equity and being able to work with her on some of her initiatives has been awesome. I'm very honored.