Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

I am a member of the 'sandwich' generation, that group that must simultaneously care for elderly parents and support children.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

In the end, the real wisdom of menopause may be in questioning how fun or even sane this chore wheel called modern life actually is.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

We all fantasize about work that uses our creativity, is self-directed, happens during the hours we choose, and occurs in an attractively lit setting with fascinating people - you know, jobs like women have on TV.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

I'm pretty sure that changing diapers of all sizes isn't the kind of women's work Betty Friedan had in mind, nor Linda Hirshman.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

My sister is not my mother, but more than anyone else, she fills that role for me now - like it or not. And indeed, all women I know play that role for somebody - like it or not.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

I admit to a bias toward high culture.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

Certainly, being a 'perfect' mother is unachievable.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

I think live music is really, really important. And I think it's very important to do together. It's much more fun to play to music together than the one person listening to their lone iPod Shuffle. I think it's an amazing way to build community and have children do things that are funded that's not a videogame.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

Oddly, in this age of the blinding white Oprah pantsuit, when everything is illuminated, it seems a Victorian lace curtain still hangs over the delicate womanly matter of our personal expenditures.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

Struggling with my finances, nudging toward 50, I sometimes daydream about being happily married to a matching frugaholic husband in a matching Christmas-red tracksuit with matching walkie-talkies as we troll Ralphs, excitedly comparing triple coupons.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

I think of the friends of mine who were blissfully single in their 20s and 30s. Still single in their 40s and 50s, they seem to be contracting a bit.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

I find I'm the sort of harried working mother who has difficulty scheduling in a bit of rest amid the Ptolemaically complicated interlocking gears of professional and personal life.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

In our youths, many of us suspected that being tied down to a partner and family might constrain us. But after 40, even that landscape starts to shift. Many singletons turn inward and start longing for the things so many of us longed to be free of in our 20s.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

It is during fertility that a female loses herself and enters that cloud overly rich in estrogen.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

The problem is that, partly because we are women, a large measure of our happiness depends on our relationships - including, unavoidably, our relationships with men.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

The literature of menopause is the saddest, the most awful, and the most medical of all genres. You're sleepless, you're anxious, you're fat, you're depressed - and the advice is always the same: take more walks, eat some kale, and drink lots of water. It didn't help.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

I cohabited for 20 years with my longtime husband and father of my two now-teen daughters in a stable family household.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

Things need shaking up when American women feel endangered even as Yosemite bears lumber around belching, their eyes glazed with surfeit, their pelts covered in Oreo crumbs.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

When I think of Chinese parents, I think of people who weep upon hearing Beethoven, but who can't necessarily bring that joy to others.

Sandra Tsing Loh
Sandra Tsing Loh

I eye 'Modern Love' warily between that second and third cup of coffee on Sunday mornings, calculating how much of a push I need to get through the day's unhurriedly earnest saga of heartbreak and recovery.