Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

All I can think is that the owners of Chick-Fil-A have decided they have had enough, that they're just going to focus on selling chicken sandwiches to as many people as they can, and they figure that keeping their views about marriage to themselves is better than having a bunch of angry activists on your doorstep.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

I'd like liberals to listen to my show and not feel offended. The fact that the love of my life was a liberal, I think that probably surprises people who expect me to spew just contempt for the other side.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

Getting to shake hands, pose for pictures, sign books, and interact with people who listen to our radio shows is a blast.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

Liberals instinctively cling to racism or bigotry or hate or narrow-mindedness whenever they can.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

Obama and his staff's sheer disrespect for the presidency is probably causing the Gipper to spin in his grave.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

I yearn for the day when we'll return to the foundational value that makes this country great.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

Education means teaching kids how to do stuff and how to think about stuff. Education is a pretty simple concept with a very clear way to measure results: you give some kind of an exam - maybe it's one of those standardized tests all kids hate, maybe it's some kind of essay, but whatever it is, it'll measure the results, and the kids will hate it.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

Michael Savage turns on a microphone and broadcasts his opinions to faithful followers who enjoy listening to his views on politics, social issues, and anything else that this colorful, provocative, entertaining guy comes up with. It doesn't matter which of his views I agree or disagree with.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

If a police officer is looking for a criminal, he or she might stop a number of people in that particular area and ask to see their driver's license. No one bellyaches about civil rights or privacy issues. We're just happy the cops are trying to find the bad guy.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

Let me get this straight: I can't defend the military because I didn't serve. So does that mean I can't support police officers or firefighters because I've never been one? How about teachers? Can I support them since I've never taught a class before?

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

As a Fox News Channel contributor, I've learned most of the tips over the years: look into the camera like it's a good friend; pull your suit jacket down and sit on it so it doesn't bunch up; and most importantly, never, ever say anything while sitting in that studio that you wouldn't want someone else to hear.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

People are savvy enough to know that simply a threat of litigation is tantamount to a nice, hefty check.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

Air America has tanked because it features a bunch of talentless, angry demagogues who wouldn't know how to entertain a radio audience if their lives depended on it.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

The public can't be fooled all the time.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

I've loved traveling around the country and meeting people at book signings.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

For people who never tire of telling the world what a moral high ground they've taken in opposing Donald Trump, they sure don't seem to mind offering up a bellyful of gloats and taunts.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

Leave it to an Obama supporter to bring up Iraq in the middle of a conversation about the swine flu pandemic.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

If a natural disaster like a flock of birds or a bolt of lightning causes a plane's engines to fail, you know what should be expected? That the pilot will keep his or her wits about them and do their best to save each and every soul on board. That's precisely what Captain 'Sully' Sullenberger and the rest of his crew did.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

We are, after all, a nation of laws. And we live in a culture where carrying a form of identification is as normal as keeping your car keys in your pocket. When any of us walk into a grocery store and cashes a check, no one skips a beat when asked to present our driver's license.

Mike Gallagher
Mike Gallagher

'E pluribus unum' is perhaps the most obnoxious motto the Founders could have come up with, as far as liberals are concerned. They don't mind the e pluribus part - they love to note the things that divide and separate us. But they positively despise the unum part.