John Varvatos
John Varvatos

When you do men's wear, it's less about thinking outside the box than about pushing the walls of the box outward. Men want to be evolutionary, not revolutionary.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

Music has always been a dominant force in my life. As a young kid, it was a way for me to escape everyday life.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

I like someone who has a little bad boy in them, a little edge.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

When I started working in fashion, I didn't have money to buy photographs, so I'd Xerox pictures from magazines and put them in notebooks. When I'd start a collection, I'd sit with my old notebooks and look through them for inspiration.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

Women tell me they won't date a guy with bad shoes. There are good-looking guys with good-looking outfits, and then really bad-looking square toe I-don't-even-want-to-mention-the-label kind of shoes. There is no reason for that. Again, invest in something that looks proper. A great pair of shoes can make your old outfit look great, too.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

Sometimes, we need an obstacle to challenge us and push us further than we would if things were always status quo. I'd say one example is the market crashing. It's like, just when we started to get into a rhythm, everything changed! But, it taught us a great deal about how we do business and how we can improve.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

I spent a lot of years working for Ralph Lauren, and he had so many copycats, from Tommy Hilfiger to Abercrombie & Fitch to J.Crew.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

I wasn't into pop music, even at a really young age.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

A lot of designers become hot, attend every party, and then you don't hear about them again.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

My passion in life, besides my family, was always music. From the time I was a kid, I was obsessed. I'm like the ultimate fan.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

I shop a lot online... and just the ease of it makes a lot more sense.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

I collect vintage vinyl records.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

The great thing about living in New York is the constant change of things. It inspires me to keep moving, push forward, question ideas.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

I never wanted to be the face of the brand. You haven't seen me in my own ads. You don't see my logo all over my clothes. From the beginning, I wanted the clothes to stand on their own.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

Canada - they won't like me saying this, but it's really like it's a part of Michigan, that area.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

My vision is the ability to design clothes for a man who wants to create his own style and doesn't want to dress like he's in uniform, to look like the guy in the ad, or to feel like he has to put it together that way.

John Varvatos
John Varvatos

Guys out there have no sense of how their clothes should fit.