Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

There is simply not enough money available to support a system in which the lion's share of expenditures is devoted to acute care, with virtually nothing being spent on preventive medicine, i.e. health care.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

It may seem difficult at first, but eating more high-nutrient foods reduces the desire for low-nutrient foods; it becomes easier with time.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Resting metabolic rate is largely genetically determined, but our calorie intake has an effect as well.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

We know that childhood and adolescence are the most crucial times for environmental stimuli to affect breast cancer risk, but changes made during adulthood and even after diagnosis still have the potential to create positive changes in the body.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

The key to excellent health and longevity is to eat a high ratio of micronutrients to macronutrients.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Chemicals are not currently tested for their endocrine disruption potential before they are approved for use and enter our environment, and there are endocrine disruptors in a vast array of products we come into contact with every day, including organochlorine pesticides, plastics, fuels, and other industrial chemicals.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Doctors' positions and recommendations about drugs, procedures, surgical interventions, health and nutrition are not always based on strong scientific evidence.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Girls of 7, 8 or 9 years old are not emotionally or psychologically equipped to handle puberty.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

We're not going to find a magic cure for cancer. We've got to prevent it.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

We need radical dietary improvement, and the earlier in life that change is made, the better. Just following a vegan diet or eating a few more vegetables is not enough.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

I am a physician specializing in nutritional interventions for chronic disease and a strong advocate of superior nutrition as the first line of attack to prevent and treat most chronic diseases.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

I have appeared on 'The Dr. Oz show' and recognize that Dr. Oz does not hold the exact same viewpoints about all controversies in human nutrition that I do, but he has a huge base of knowledge and is open-minded and willing to re-consider a position based on emerging evidence on multiple scientific and health issues.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

The diet, to be healthy, has to be mostly fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Combine anti-cancer foods to maximize protection against all cancers: A number of plant foods are associated with lower risk of cancers, and substances contained in these foods display anti-cancer or immune-boosting properties.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Don't forget: cruciferous vegetables must be chopped, crushed, or chewed well for maximum benefit!

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Out of one pocket we pay billions of our tax dollars to support the production of expensive, disease-causing foods. Out of the other pocket, we pay medical bills that are too high because our overweight population consumes too much of these rich, disease-causing foods.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Scores of studies support the power of certain natural foods to prevent cancer.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Americans are grossly deficient in basic micronutrients and especially those phytochemicals that arm our immune system to fight cancer.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

We can reduce these cancer rates - breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer - by 90 percent or more by people adopting what I call a nutritrarian diet.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

The modern diet is grossly deficient in hundreds of important plant-derived immunity-building compounds which makes us highly vulnerable to viruses, infections and disease.