Denise Austin
Denise Austin

I like to go to yoga classes and sweat a lot.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

Walking lunges are great for thighs.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

There's nothing more frustrating than pulling on your favorite jeans - only to see there's a bit of extra bulge above the waist.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

Constant slumping increases the stress on the spine and joints, and can lead to headaches, neck and shoulder tension, and lower-back pain.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

In my home gym, I'll do targeted exercises like pilates, light weights and stretching.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

I like intervals. I will turn a walk into a workout. For example, I walk for five minutes at an easy pace, then power-walk for two minutes and repeat. Intervals blast the fat.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

Helping people keeps me going.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

Some of the routines take less than 10 minutes, making Pilates the perfect form of exercise for anyone who finds there's not enough time in the day for exercise.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

If you think a bare midriff is only for teens, think again.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

We use our shoulder muscles to accomplish practically every pulling, pushing, and hoisting task we do (they really do carry the weight of the world!), so they're a great place to start building strength.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

Of all the forms of exercise I've taught, Pilates is one of my favorites.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

Your lower back contains numerous muscles. One group, called the erector spinae, attaches to your spinal column at different points along your back, allowing you to bend it forward and backward and from side to side. Toning these muscles helps prevent back pain, and it also tightens and firms your entire lower back.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

What was cool about my career, Jack LaLanne gave me my first break on TV. I was his co-host.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

I love walking on a treadmill, it's a great way to challenge yourself!

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

When it comes to foods as we age, it is a good rule of thumb to focus on high-quality, whole, fresh foods as the basis of all your meals.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

I'm into eating whole foods.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

I don't starve myself, and I don't think other people should either.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

Getting healthy, getting into shape is a gradual process.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

Women love classes and like to be together. They enjoy exercise classes. But that's not what a man usually likes to do.

Denise Austin
Denise Austin

I'm a big believer in a balance of workouts - a well-balanced workout plan. Part of it is cardio, part strength training and then flexibility. You really need all three.