Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

I can't tell you how many times I heard from younger sisters that their older sisters were bossy and judgmental.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

I've long believed that if you understand how conversational styles work, you can make adjustments in conversations to get what you want in your relationships.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

'Right' and 'wrong' aren't words a linguist uses.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

In the past, great communicators were great orators, but great communicators today sound conversational, and interrupting is common in conversation. And public discourse is now more about entertainment than enlightenment.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

The death of compromise has become a threat to our nation as we confront crucial issues such as the debt ceiling and that most basic of legislative responsibilities: a federal budget. At stake is the very meaning of what had once seemed unshakable: 'the full faith and credit' of the U.S. government.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

Birth order is fascinating, and it is forever.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

In my own writing, I avoid 'female' and try to say 'woman' because I feel that the word 'female' has connotations of not just biology but also non-human mammals. The idea of 'female' to me is more appropriate for a female animal.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

A sister is someone who owns part of what you own: a house, perhaps, or a less tangible legacy, like memories of your childhood and the experience of your family.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

There's the bond of a connection and the bond of bondage... When you are connected to somebody, everything each one does affects the other, and it's a kind of bondage. You're not as free as you would be if that person wasn't in your life.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

Our spirits are corroded by living in an atmosphere of unrelenting contention - an argument culture.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

A sister is like yourself in a different movie, a movie that stars you in a different life.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

Mothers subject their daughters to a level of scrutiny people usually reserve for themselves. A mother's gaze is like a magnifying glass held between the sun's rays and kindling. It concentrates the rays of imperfection on her daughter's yearning for approval. The result can be a conflagration - whoosh.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

Each underestimates her own power and overestimates the other's.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

Relationships are made of talk - and talk is for girls and women.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

Sister relationships span a huge range, from best friends to worst enemies. From 'I adore her; I talk to her five times a day' to 'I decided to cut her out of my life.' For most women, it's in between.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

I think of myself as a writer as much as I think of myself as a linguist and an academic. I really enjoy writing - playing with language and getting just the right metaphor.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

I am the youngest of three girls. My first linguistics book was a study of 'New York Jewish conversational style'. That was my dissertation.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

Conversations with sisters can spark extremes of anger or extremes of love. Everything said between sisters carries meaning not only from what was just said but from all the conversations that came before - and 'before' can span a lifetime. The layers of meaning combine profound connection with equally profound competition.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

The word 'sister' evokes an ideal of connection and support, like the friendships that made Rebecca Wells's 'Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood' and Ann Brashares's 'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' into best-selling novels and successful films.

Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen

When women told me they'd always wished they had a sister, they were thinking of this ideal of mutual encouragement and support. Many of those who have sisters also yearn for this ideal because their relationships with their sisters don't always live up to it.