David Droga
David Droga

We strive to do stuff that connects with people.

David Droga
David Droga

The greater the pressure and expectation, the more I relish the opportunity.

David Droga
David Droga

I strive every day to do things that make a difference.

David Droga
David Droga

I love traditional advertising and have built my career on it. However, I think that is one option, not the only option. If some of it ends up in that space, fine, so long as it does so because it's relevant to the desired outcome.

David Droga
David Droga

My mother had to label all our clothing. As the youngest boy, all my tags read Droga5.

David Droga
David Droga

I think the best way to show appreciation for things going well is to make things better.

David Droga
David Droga

I'm in the industry, and I'll fast-forward through the ads most of the time. But I'll stop for the good ones.

David Droga
David Droga

You put choice on the table, you change the whole game. Everything is about control. If an ad is interesting to you, you'll have the conversation with the brand. If it's not, it's a waste of time.

David Droga
David Droga

If people know they're being sold to, you can celebrate the sell.

David Droga
David Droga

Beanbags and softball matches and a cool Twitter handle doesn't make young people want to work at your office.

David Droga
David Droga

We're very much an advertising agency, but it's not about creating ads as we know it.

David Droga
David Droga

We're communicators, we're problem solvers, and we're lateral thinkers, and there's nothing that can't be improved with that. The world needs us, and we want to be needed.

David Droga
David Droga

Generosity is as much showing your vulnerability as it is your passion for something.

David Droga
David Droga

Copywriters on Madison Avenue constantly grapple with the question of where their work sits on the totem pole of 'real' writing.

David Droga
David Droga

The average billboard has no more than eight words. It takes a lot of effort to make a beer, rice, or shampoo seem special in eight words.

David Droga
David Droga

Just knowing you're putting something out there that could take on a greater life - that's our sweet spot. That's what we try to do.

David Droga
David Droga

We work in an industry where people invent technology to avoid what we create.

David Droga
David Droga

It's not about being the biggest or the place with the most pins in a map. We want to be the most influential. We talk about trying to build the most influential agency in the world.

David Droga
David Droga

Like anyone, I'm scared of failure. That drives you to work really hard.

David Droga
David Droga

Do the work you believe in - if there's an authentic reason for doing it.