Alvin Toffler
Alvin Toffler

The Law of Raspberry Jam: the wider any culture is spread, the thinner it gets.

Anastasia Soare
Anastasia Soare

Petite features should always be paired with thinner, softer brows - they don't overpower your face.

Anastasia Soare
Anastasia Soare

If you have smaller eyes, you should choose a thinner brow that isn't very dark in color. This will open the eyes.

Arjun Rampal
Arjun Rampal

I think it is easier for thinner people to build on a frame once you get lean muscle. I get bored lifting weights at the gym, and it isn't enough as your body becomes stiff. So I train in different ways such as core training, cardio with weights, playing sports such as tennis, cycling, swimming and running 10 km once a week.

Arthur Bryant
Arthur Bryant

And so while the great ones depart to their dinner, the secretary stays, growing thinner and thinner, racking his brain to record and report what he thinks that they think that they ought to have thought.

Ashley Greene
Ashley Greene

When I was growing up, I cheered and danced and ran and stuff like that. I'm probably thinner now than I was in high school. I had a lot of muscle - a lot of muscle in high school.

Ashley Graham
Ashley Graham

Do I sometimes wish I were thinner? God, in the old days, absolutely I did, but now I feel that to lose weight would be disloyal to myself.

Ashley Graham
Ashley Graham

For so long, I have been an outsider because of my size. And I think that fashion has always, in some way, catered to celebrities or to a thinner idealistic model.

Bill Nye
Bill Nye

There is good evidence that Venus once had liquid water and a much thinner atmosphere, similar to Earth billions of years ago. But today the surface of Venus is dry as a bone, hot enough to melt lead, there are clouds of sulfuric acid that reach a hundred miles high and the air is so thick it's like being 900 meters deep in the ocean.

Caroline Knapp
Caroline Knapp

What is this drive to be thinner, prettier, better dressed, other? Who exactly is this other and what does she look like beyond the jacket she's wearing or the food she's not eating? What might we be doing, thinking, feeling about if we didn't think about body image, ever?