Jenna Johnson
Jenna Johnson

I try to stick to real food, meaning anything that has been grown naturally or organically and that is not majorly processed: meats and proteins, a lot of green vegetables, less sugary fruits, solid starches and nuts.

Jeremiah Brent
Jeremiah Brent

I recognized that the passion I have and feel for interior and design and furniture was not organically there for styling. The fuel that drives you when doing something you truly love... wasn't there.

Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn

I want everyone to put their views forward, every union branch, every party branch, so we develop organically the strengths we all have, the imagination we all have.

Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin

As time went on, Thanos just sort of grew organically on his own.

Joan Jett
Joan Jett

I really wanted it to be organic and coming from my heart. So, I think maybe the initial thought of wanting to go in that direction, I had to wait until things happened in our world and in our country that fired me up enough where the words came out organically.

John Gourley
John Gourley

'Feel It Still' came around pretty much as organically as you can put a song together.

John Grogan
John Grogan

Living organically is my way of feeling connected to the earth and my own humanity. It's how I feel balanced and at peace with the planet.

John Lithgow
John Lithgow

I work very hard on motivating everything I do as an actor. Explosive moments have to be completely motivated; whether they're explosive comedy or explosive horror, they have to come organically out of a scene and an interaction with another actor.

Jonathan Hickman
Jonathan Hickman

As far as personal philosophies go, I think you should know your ending. I know that's radically different from a lot of other writers who just organically like to find the story. Other than that, I try different things and mess around. I'm still just playing a good bit.

Josephine Langford
Josephine Langford

You just do the roles that you want to do and that you're lucky enough to get cast in, and then eventually you have that career. I feel like you can't control it; it just happens organically.