Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that we must get from our diets because our bodies cannot make them; they are crucial for early brain development, and there is much evidence that they promote cardiovascular health and cognitive function.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Blueberries, strawberries and blackberries are true super foods. Naturally sweet and juicy, berries are low in sugar and high in nutrients - they are among the best foods you can eat.

Joel Fuhrman
Joel Fuhrman

Raw leafy greens contain only about 100 calories per pound and are packed with nutrients.

Kimbal Musk
Kimbal Musk

A lot of people think about food as fuel, where you need to get nutrients in your body.

Louise Fresco
Louise Fresco

Food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It's not about nutrients and calories. It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity.

M. S. Swaminathan
M. S. Swaminathan

Micronutrient deficiency in the soil results in micronutrient malnutrition in people, since crops grown on such soils tend to be deficient in the nutrients needed to fight hidden hunger.

M. S. Swaminathan
M. S. Swaminathan

Where two or more crops are taken normally, it is time to begin preparation for a good rabi crop by assembling the seeds, soil nutrients, and other agronomic inputs needed for timely sowing and good plant population.

Manoj Bhargava
Manoj Bhargava

Most of the people don't know that one of the great qualities of caffeine is it allows you to absorb nutrients, and it does it quickly, and so when it does it quickly, you focus, and when you focus, you think you have energy.

Marilu Henner
Marilu Henner

Foods high in bad fats, sugar and chemicals are directly linked to many negative emotions, whereas whole, natural foods rich in nutrients - foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes - contribute to greater energy and positive emotions.

Mark Hyman
Mark Hyman

Nutrients are not drugs and they can't be studied as drugs. They are part of a biological system where all nutrients work as a team to support your biochemical processes.