Angourie Rice
Angourie Rice

I don't want to play the girlfriend who's there because she's the girlfriend. And. That's. Her. Job. I want to play women and girls who are active and strong and who have a character arc and make decisions and have a rich background.

Anh Do
Anh Do

I was a Vietnamese kid with a mullet hair cut. I had all Westie mates, and, geez, a Vietnamese guy with a mullet doesn't work; no wonder I couldn't get a girlfriend for so many years.

Anh Do
Anh Do

I've learnt that the muse is like an angry girlfriend. If she comes knocking you better be home because if you're not, she doesn't leave a note saying pick up after 3 P. M. from the post office. The gift she had is gone forever.

Anna Sui
Anna Sui

I wanted to be a designer since I was a kid, and I was always attracted to the way rock stars dressed and the way their girlfriends dressed. I always thought that they were the most interesting people.

Anna Wintour
Anna Wintour

'Vogue' is the best of everything that fashion can offer, and I think we point the way. We are, you know, a glamorous girlfriend.

AnnaLynne McCord
AnnaLynne McCord

I love being outdoors, playing beach tennis, going for runs in the sand, or doing a three-hour hike with my best girlfriend, Mieko.

Annie Lennox
Annie Lennox

I have a reputation for being cold and aloof, but I'm so not that woman. I'm passionate. I love my girls, being with my girlfriends, getting involved with issues that affect other women and children who are suffering.

Ansel Elgort
Ansel Elgort

I'll work thirteen hours at a time producing a new track. Not a lot of people understand that - not girlfriends, friends, family.

Charles Pollock
Charles Pollock

To keep the edge, you just keep doing something new. I'm not gonna say that working is easy, but while I'm doing it, I'm just a happy little moron - that's how my girlfriend describes me. The fact that nothing might happen with those things is not the point. The point is, I'm doing new things, and I have a good feeling in my soul.

Charlie Simpson
Charlie Simpson

I love my girlfriend to bits. I'd never do anything to hurt her.