Andrew Cohen
Andrew Cohen

Almost all the ideas we have about being a man or being a woman are so burdened with pain, anxiety, fear and self-doubt. For many of us, the confusion around this question is excruciating.

Angela Lansbury
Angela Lansbury

I lead a very regimented life. I take excruciating care of myself: I take a lot of vitamins, get enough sleep, don't drink apart from a glass of wine occasionally.

Bill Keller
Bill Keller

Since September 11 2001, editors in America have faced some excruciating choices, as the attempt to wage a war against a new kind of enemy sometimes strained the boundaries of our laws and values.

Bill Walton
Bill Walton

My life changed irrevocably four-and-a-half years ago when my spine failed and collapsed. I spent two years on the floor, in excruciating, debilitating and unrelenting pain. I can only describe the pain as being submerged into a vat of scalding acid that has an electric current running through it. And you can never get out, ever.

Bill Walton
Bill Walton

When you are in unrelenting, excruciating and debilitating pain that never goes away for years on end, your life is over.

Brooke Burns
Brooke Burns

I actually had kind of one of those crazy experiences where when I hit, it was black out excruciating pain, and then white out absence of pain, and the subconscience thought that I want to go back.

Chandra Wilson
Chandra Wilson

It's very difficult to advocate for yourself while you're in excruciating pain.

Chester Bennington
Chester Bennington

Touring for two years is excruciating.

Christie Brinkley
Christie Brinkley

I think many people can relate to that excruciating pain of love gone wrong. I'd rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.

David Cameron
David Cameron

Edward Heath and Richard Nixon took personal awkwardness with each other to new and excruciating levels.