Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

I worry about global anti-Semitism - not just as a bad idea that originates from bad people, but also as something that arises as a challenge to global order.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

If you want to avoid criticism, then you shouldn't be a historian, because historians are trying to understand and explain. If you're trying to please people, then you should go into the fashion business, or the candy business.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

People in the West tend to identify with western victims. So even when they think about the Holocaust, they really think about the German or French victims; they're not thinking about the Polish, Hungarian, or Soviet victims.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

When listening to politicians, distinguish certain words. Look out for the expansive use of 'terrorism' and 'extremism.' Be alive to the fatal notions of 'exception' and 'emergency.' Be angry about the treacherous use of patriotic vocabulary.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

It is not hard to see why Trump might choose Putin as his fantasy friend. Putin is the real-world version of the person Trump pretends to be on television.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

The premise of Russian foreign policy to the West is that the rule of law is one big joke; the practice of Russian foreign policy is to find prominent people in the West who agree.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

Defend an institution. Follow the courts or the media, or a court or a newspaper. Do not speak of 'our institutions' unless you are making them yours by acting on their behalf. Institutions don't protect themselves. They go down like dominoes unless each is defended from the beginning.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

Think up your own way of speaking. When we repeat the same words and phrases that appear in the daily media, we accept the absence of a larger framework.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

Most Americans are exceptionalists; we think we live outside of history.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

Trump's Twitter flood of late-night mendacity is an unhindered celebration of fragile manhood, a ceaseless summons to the millions for affirmation, a proclamation to vulnerable men across the land that endless preening and stroking is a normal and imitable way of life.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

Americans can accept that the American Dream will not work out for them; what has been heartbreaking for so many is the sense that their children will have it even worse.

Timothy D. Snyder
Timothy D. Snyder

Trump bankrupted six companies but succeeded on the biggest of stages. He is the champion of failures.