Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

You never want to just be outrageous for outrageous' sake 'cause then it doesn't work, and it's not believable. You want to be as true to whatever character you're playing.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I need a coffee, I'm a cold coffee guy. That's how I do.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

Changing the conversation about how Americans perceive veterans is really important. These are hardworking, dedicated, innovative people who deserve quality employment when they return home from their military service.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I am one of those guys that's an optimist. I am always optimistic. I don't know how you can be any other way.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I hope this doesn't sound harsh, but if you're not constantly craving breakfast every second of every day, you're not a real American. Y'know what, let's throw the Canadians in there, too.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

What's my favorite food besides pancakes? I guess it would be flapjacks, followed closely by hotcakes. After that, crepes... but thick crepes. Y'know, like, pancake-thick.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I like boysenberry. I have no idea what it is. And it sounds like poison - which is terrifying - but you can't hold a name against a flavor. If you did that, everyone would hate Crunchberries.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I knew I wanted to try comedy and acting. Even if I failed, at least I would have tried. It's better than never having tried.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I've always been cast in authority roles; I think because I have that presence... Comedically, I can play against that pretty well. I enjoy playing that arrogant ignorance. That's one of my favorite games to play in comedy.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I have a fondness for Georgetown. There's always some place in Georgetown that has a bunch of people that look like they're having fun, watching the game. Go in there, grab a pint. It's the best.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

Guy's guys are of course welcome! But my audience runs the spectrum of humanity. There's something for everyone!

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I remember watching Eddie Murphy's stand-up act when I was little, and just being mesmerized.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I love to play it. I think it's funny. It's always been funny to me. Somebody who's large and in charge but totally wrong-headed.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

I would love to do something dramatic. I don't know if anybody will ever give me the chance, but I would love to try it. I'm trained in acting and spent many years working on it, so it's just a matter of opportunity.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

We can't ask the men and women of this country to go do things for us and then, when they get home, forget about them. It's not part of the deal.

Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle

You get to really master the emotion of humility as a Chiefs fan.