I have a whole closet in my house that's dedicated just to jackets and coats, stuff that I've collected over the years.
I have some amazing fans! They're just so dedicated and so nice and so sweet. I'm, like, no one and I'm just starting out, and these people appreciate your work and it's nice to hear that.
Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness.
If I would make a song dedicated to any woman, it would have to be my mom because, you know, she's been there since I came out of her. She would have to be the one... my mom or my daughter.
My parents split up when I was nine years old, and I started taking karate lessons at that point. I was very dedicated to my karate, and I looked up to my karate instructor kind of like a second father.
I get asked a lot about players like Lionel Messi and Neymar and people seem to have the idea that they don't do any work because they have a God-given talent. That is just not true, they work all the time, they are totally dedicated and that's why they are where they are.
It is so inspiring when you come across a woman who is very strong and dedicated and is amazing at what they do. That's how I feel about Meryl Streep. You watch her, and you can't help but notice all of that about her. She's so influential.
It's important to be dedicated and enthusiastic when you're starting a career. It might take a long time to get established and the money won't flow in straight away.
Every culture is very important. Dartmouth has always been dedicated to diversity of culture.
I dedicated my career to really working in under-served communities and really just being in the trenches.