Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

A naughty part of me thinks, how come Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry and Tim McInnerny have all done really good parts in a film, whereas I've only ever done bits and bobs? Before I die, wouldn't it be nice to be the scheming old man in a movie?

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

A lot of us saw Blackadder in terms of problem-solving - 'Did that work in that episode?' and so on. We were very picky.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

Most of us work so hard and live so hard. On the first day of the holiday I remain in work gear, it can take me some time to slow down and all that time I'm missing the serendipity of the wonderful things that are all around us.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

I've never really seen archaeology as being any different from history. What I love are the stories of human beings that were around 1,000 years ago and how they lived - archaeology is another aspect to that.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

My job in many ways has been to navigate interesting routes around subjects people think are dull.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

Always plan, but never plan on your plans.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

Time Team' is by definition very static. Once you're in that field and you've dug your trenches, that's it.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

I hate the word educational! I mean, 'Downton Abbey' is educational in that you come away from it knowing so much more about that period than when the show started, but you don't come away thinking it was educational.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

The work that I do doesn't make me feel uptight, It energises me.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

If I go to posh parties, I hover by the kitchen so I can get as many nice canapes as possible.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

Digging sand is a bit like digging water. You take your trowel out and it all fills back up again, so there are a whole lot of different techniques that are required.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

I was about 40 when I got a glimmer of the wonders archaeology can offer, and I want kids to be able to have that for their whole lives, not just in middle-age.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

I am terrified of being pushed out of a plane at 10,000ft with my hands tied behind my back.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

Ancient barrows get cleared away. Legislation is pretty much 19th century. Global warming means there is an awful lot of erosion, exposing new archaeology, there is not the funding around to deal with it.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

The confidence in my ability to be a performer, a steeliness about survival... I learnt all those things from my dad.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

Fifty one per cent of 'Time Team' viewers are not of my gender. And that surprised me, because I thought it'd be at least 60 per cent male.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

I've spent so much of my life in what can be quite solitary professions, particularly when you're fronting television programmes. I've been all over the world doing that on my own, to be able to enjoy that in the company of someone you adore makes it five times as good.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

My parents taught me practical things, about how important hard work, discipline and the necessity of managing your own money were. Their values were very much the values of the postwar middle class.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

Both my parents developed dementia in their old age. Everyone I know whose parents had dementia feel that they didn't deal with it very well.

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

I was an only child. Both my parents came from working-class families in Hackney, east London.