RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

The people that you have around you are your biggest influence.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I try to bring awareness, not just to CP but to all disabilities in the sense that it's knowledge. My disability gave me so much knowledge that I was able to take into 'Breaking Bad' and to grow and to learn.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I hate being immobile.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

We know lots of progress is being made, but the industry must do more to help disabled people work both in front of and behind the camera.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I'm always looking for roles to challenge me and ones which I'll enjoy playing.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

My parents got divorced when I was nine months old, and my father would only pop in and see me once a year, if that. I don't have much contact with him.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

Anything you rely on can become a crutch. And disabled or not, when you rely on something, that is what will cripple you.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I try not to look back at anything I do. I avoid it like the plague.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I would love to switch on my TV and see a disabled person talking about something they are genuinely interested in or acting out a part that doesn't just focus on their impairment.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

The more you travel, the more well-off you'll be, I think.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I didn't know anything was wrong with me when I was growing up. I thought everyone went to occupational and speech therapy, I thought these were common things. I thought I was quite normal until I went to school and someone told me it wasn't normal to have a disability.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I feel bad for people in wheelchairs and people who have to use crutches.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I like to dirt bike ride, four wheeler, go-kart.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

When it comes to money, I provide for my family, and that's important to me.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

People used to call the Paralympics the 'Special Olympics.' These men and women are athletes. They are warriors. They are people who are not confined by what they have been given. It's amazing to see where, and how far, the human body can really go.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

Breaking Bad' gave me a career. It gave me more work than I could possibly imagine - I started filming it when I was 14 years old, and I finished when I was turning 21.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I want to get my Masters in business.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

I'm actually very active.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

My sister is a mess. I love her to death, but she is a mess.

RJ Mitte
RJ Mitte

Nothing I do will ever compare with 'Breaking Bad.'