Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

We don't have that many tournaments so sponsorship from logos is another way of helping boost your income.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

It is impossible to play the best of nines and expect the matches to finish on time.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

None of the top players like the 128 system at all.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

We know how hard it is to travel around and if the schedules are really tight for you, it means you're doing really well because you're not going home early from many events. When you go deep in tournaments, that's the consequence you have to pay I suppose.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

Yeah, I came over to Cambridge with 500 quid in my pocket and I had to borrow a waistcoat off another Australian player. I couldn't afford to buy one.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

You see stuff that is cheating, no question, and it needs to be sorted out. The biggest thing is moving on the shot by an opponent.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

Maybe one day there will be a snooker pin-up calendar if we all get in shape. I would be up for that, get some spray tan going.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

I used to do too much weight training years ago. You probably wouldn't see it on me but I probably had a bit too much muscle.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

Snooker isn't a sport where you can put on bulk muscle. It's about the cueing and the stamina.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

The more muscle I'm losing, the better I'm cueing.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

I think I'm a pretty calm kind of guy.

Neil Robertson
Neil Robertson

I used to feel very tired during tournaments. I was drinking four or five coffees per day and felt I needed more.