Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I work hard, I will tell you that. I do a very low carb, high protein diet. I do Tracy Anderson, I do Body by Simone, I do Pilates, and I do Bikram Yoga.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

People strive to be models or actresses - but a lot of what you see isn't actually real. There is no perfect body. Everything is retouched.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I'm the one who's always kissing all the boys and stuff.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I think it's important to come from a humble place.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

Timing is everything.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I watch my wheat intake.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

'House of Style' changed my life. I literally had no experience in front of a TV camera before, and there I was taking over for Rebecca Romijn. My exposure heightened instantly.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

Modeling in Europe at the beginning of my career was pretty hard, with the constant traveling and uncertainty as to where I was going to be from one day to the next.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I wanted to be consistent with my exercise, so I committed to working out for 30 days in a row, no matter what.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I'm going to get up every morning at 6:30 to work out. Then, when I've kept with it all week, I give myself something I really want, like a new handbag or a piece of jewelry I'm coveting.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I grew up watching Lee Trevino, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I'm much better off the tee. I'm not a great putter. I do not have a good short game.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I do really well under pressure.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I believe in magic, psychics and all that.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

I've spoken to people who I swear can tell the future.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

The best thing you can do for yourself is lower your meat intake, so I try to do one day a week meatless.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

Sometimes I have to be careful not to work out too much because then it makes me so hungry.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

Don't hate me for suggesting this, because it can hurt a bit at first, but before I get in the shower, I use a loofah or brush to exfoliate. There's nothing better for getting your circulation going and helping with cellulite.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

Ask yourself, how do you feel after you eat that? If you're going to the bathroom every time you have pasta, you might have an intolerance for wheat - which could explain, for instance, why you're gaining weight.

Molly Sims
Molly Sims

Most new moms, and even experienced moms, have questions in the months after giving birth. Pregnancy books don't explain everything, and you may be caught off guard by some things that are happening both to you and to your baby in those first few months.