Aaron Patzer
Aaron Patzer

Be careful not to start a company that really belongs as a feature of another company, like the 25 Twitter URL shortener companies out there. Pick a real problem that's here to stay.

Adebayo Akinfenwa
Adebayo Akinfenwa

As players we have to be careful what we put out there and make sure everything we do is appropriate. And it is not always easy.

Ajith Kumar
Ajith Kumar

I love doing stunts, though I have to be careful with my back. As for dances, somehow I am uncomfortable doing them. I lack grace.

Alan Alda
Alan Alda

A really great actor, in a lucky performance, can transform himself or herself. I've seen actors do that. But often it's a mechanical transformation, which isn't as interesting, and you've got to be careful how you go about something like that, I think.

Alexander Cockburn
Alexander Cockburn

Be careful about Burma. Most people cannot remember whether it was Siam and has become Thailand, or whether it is now part of Malaysia and should be called Sri Lanka.

Alexander Nix
Alexander Nix

We never worked in Russia. We never worked for Russia. I want to be careful, but I don't think we have any Russian employees in our company whatsoever. We just don't have business in Russia. We have no involvement with Russia, never have done.

Alexander Skarsgard
Alexander Skarsgard

I have to be careful because there is something destructive within me, I think, and I can have a tendency to just search for the kicks. I can't really get too close to someone who's too destructive, or too dark, because then I might go down the rabbit hole myself.

Alice Lowe
Alice Lowe

I have to be careful, as I don't want to offend Midlanders, but growing up, it wasn't like growing up in London. Anything you were interested in, you'd be able to find someone also interested in it. In the Midlands, nobody came out as gay at my school at all.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

You do need some dispensation for local farmers, because the fast food industry will promote the unsanitary conditions of farming. With vegetables, you have to be careful where they come from; you have to know the farmers and trust them. If you buy from the farmers' market, it's already been investigated.

Chris Gardner
Chris Gardner

When you tell your kids they can be anything, you've got to be careful. I told my kids that, and I ended up with a music producer and an interior designer. But they're doing it.