Michael Korda
Michael Korda

It strikes me that people want to be engaged, and that those who go into a bookstore in a time of crisis are much more likely to be looking for explanation than for escapism.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

Nothing is more difficult than to recreate in all its complexity than a distant age, and not only to get it right but make it seem fresh and relevant.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

I came into book publishing without any particular impulse to be in book publishing.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

The real fans do not just admire the star of their choice, they identify with him or her, while the star, unlike Joan Crawford, comes to need the fans' love, admiration, and constant interest.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

The big bestsellers aren't being created by Barnes & Noble.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

Surrounded by high-paid publicity people and professional ego massagers, movie stars, like politicians, almost invariably come to believe that they are nicer, more charming, and more beloved than they appear to be to a casual observer, and that their stories about their careers are universally fascinating.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

In Britain and Europe, no event is less forgotten than World War I, or 'The Great War,' as it was called until 1939.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

In Eastern Europe, the past is not only always hovering over the present, it is not even passed. It waits, like some malevolent caged beast, ready at any moment to escape and bring back all the horrors.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

Hebron is a bone of contention between Israeli settlers and the Palestinians in part because Abraham is buried there, in the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

An ounce of hypocracy is worth a pound of ambition.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

Luck can often mean simply taking advantage of a situation at the right moment. It is possible to make your luck by being always prepared.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

Nobody could emerge from a childhood at MGM unscathed.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

The French consider themselves the guardians of the world's culture and do not bother to hide the fact, which is annoying, but Paris is still where good Americans want to go when they die - and Brits, Russians, and Chinese as well, these days.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

One of the first rules of playing the power game is that all bad news must be accepted calmly, as if one already knew and didn't care.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

Indeed, it is measure of how little we know about Cleopatra that the only images of her are either the coins she struck, bearing very unflattering official portraits of her, or some doubtful busts, which may be of other women imitating her coiffure.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

Peter Fleming was a famous English traveler, explorer and adventurer, whose non-fiction books were hugely successful. My father owned signed copies of all of them - he and Peter Fleming had become acquainted over some detail of set design at the Korda film studio in Shepperton - and I had read each of them with breathless adolescent excitement.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

For a book publisher, there is hardly a more dangerous category than that of celebrity autobiography. Forget who it's by, most books of this kind not only fail but fail big, since they are invariably expensive.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

To have a childhood surrounded by people like Sir Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh sounds glitzy, but for years I wanted to repress it. I couldn't take that kind of power and success.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

My books are based on observing others, not myself.

Michael Korda
Michael Korda

The novelist wants to know how things will turn out; the historian already knows how things turned out, but wants to know why they turned out the way they did.