Whenever you have a crisis, you're always going to have the extremists taking advantage of the situation.
Foreign agents are taking advantage of loopholes in our laws.
Most of the advice I have received revolves around taking advantage of all the Performance Center has to offer and always giving my best, so I have no regrets.
All countries have poor people. Yet it's a very rare country which understands the indignities of poverty, while education systems maintain the status quo. The children of the elite go to the best schools and get the best jobs, not because they are the best. We're not taking advantage of the intellectual power on this planet.
You get people talking about being worried about their art, and dances... their culture being wiped out or taken over, and yet these same people are taking advantage of their people to use them as cheap labour.
Runners are the lowest of the low in film units. They're paid very, very minimal wages - probably below the national average. And runners are now being asked to drive actors about, as well as their runner duties. It's kind of the same as taking advantage of nurses - it's appalling.
That the way to achieve higher standards of living for all is through science and technology, taking advantage of better tools, methods and organization.
What's profound and exciting is the way young people are taking advantage of the fact that the Internet enables everyone to have a megaphone. It enables everyone to stand up and say, 'I deserve to be heard, and I demand that you listen.'
I made my way in this league playing special teams and then kind of worked my way into playing receiver. It was always just kind of doing whatever I could do and taking advantage of all the opportunities that I got.
I can control my effort, how hard I work and taking advantage of the opportunities.