Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

You can never just write off a person as crazy. I think that is the most inhumane thing you can do to someone without physically abusing them.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

My mom loves me a lot, and I think if I was taken from her, she would have lost her mind.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

You can't turn individual human beings into baby-making machines.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

Clothes should always feel personal.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

It's excruciating to be away from your child.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

When I first read the scenes I got to audition, I just could tell there was obviously something there. The writing speaks for itself, but also it's just the fact that 'The Handmaid's Tale' is such an amazing story. I had never read the book before I auditioned.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

When I told my mom I was auditioning for 'The Handmaid's Tale,' she lost it. She was so excited.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

I do think everybody pays their dues in Gilead, whether you're the most high-up commander or not. Everybody has to face the consequences of their actions.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

When I was in Toronto shooting 'Hemlock Grove,' I'd spend a couple of hours in the makeup trailer every day because my character had all these tattoos. I was telling one of the artists how bored I was - I didn't really know anybody - and he said, 'Pick up a ukulele and start playing. They're 30 bucks for a cheap one.' And I did!

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

I had an amazing French teacher in high school - it was the one class that I enjoyed. And I studied opera for 11 years, so I did a lot of singing in French.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

I like the exactness of baking. I'm not someone who's like, 'I'll just throw a bunch of stuff together. This is gonna taste delicious.' I am a rule follower: I really like the measuring. It's completely tedious, but I love that. It's calming. And I am a total sweetaholic.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

I look for roles that are a good story for me as an actress and what I think will grow me as an actress and person. I also just really enjoy working with people who are passionate about what they do.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

The best thing about my job is meeting people who are able to express their creativity in a way that suits them and gives them purpose.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

That's one of my favorite things about 'Hemlock Grove' is that it's just unique and really just weird, and that's really what's happening with Miranda when she kind of gets thrown into the middle of this vampire-werewolf world.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

I'm not tough.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

When you read a book by its cover, you see one thing, and then you find out so much more about them as a human.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

I'm realizing that a lot of people don't really care what happens to other people as long as it doesn't affect them.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

Fullscreen is doing some really interesting work. They are taking these YouTube stars and people who have made entire careers out of social media and bringing them into an even bigger limelight on a new entrepreneur platform - and that's fascinating! That's genius to me.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

'Black Mirror' was amazing.

Madeline Brewer
Madeline Brewer

'The Handmaid's Tale' breaks my heart. It's a show based on the book written in the '80s by Margaret Atwood - who is a spectacular talent. That book is a work of art.