Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I'm just thinking about the vision for how I want my music to go and what I want it to say. I'm always creating in a way, even if it's just thinking about it.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I always respected country music for its narrative and how it's so solid, you can get the picture in your mind.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I don't really get inspired by landscapes that much, it's all people.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

My focus on everything is songwriting, so I write all of my stuff by myself.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

No one ever wants to be the girl that got her relationship wrong again, but if you let your cynicism take over you risk never falling in love.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I can't emphasize enough how much of a writer I am.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

It was always quite negative messages on love I was given as a kid.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I've had to tell people that I'm not co-writing. I don't want to do it and that's that.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I want to start thinking about other people and the political climate. I can't sit here and write an album about myself. It just feels wrong.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

The first song I ever wrote that I liked was called 'When You're Alone.'

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I'm a real big fan of words.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

Connecting with fans online can be the make or break or some artists, and I think that's a bit dangerous.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I really like a lot of American country stuff, so my music has that influence, but I don't like to be set within a genre. It feels very limiting.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I've often been told that if music doesn't work out I could be a comedian.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

There's quite a stigma attached to country music in the UK - but I kind of enjoy that.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

My mum brought me up by herself, pretty much. She had me at the age of 20, and my grandmother was a single mother, too, for most of her life.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I write 100% of my material by myself. That's really important to me because I don't want what I'm trying to say to be diluted by anyone that might not know my circumstance or who I am as a person.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I am a bit of a granny, I feel older than my years. I like to read rather than go to parties but at the same time my band and I have a lot of fun on tour and can be big kids.

Jade Bird
Jade Bird

I like to keep morale up and not take things so seriously all the time. I enjoy life and laughs but I'm serious about the music. Serious about the craft of songwriting.