David Hewlett
David Hewlett

'Debug' is '2001' from Hal's perspective.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

So I think the popularity of the Internet at the same time as the show made a big part of this sort of groundswell of support for 'Stargate.'

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

When a kid says 'I'm in astrophysics at school because of your character' that's amazing to me.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

I used to spill things on my t-shirts, leaving oily dark spots down the front that I would try to hide with loose-fitting dress shirts. Nowadays all I have to do is tell everyone my son did it. I skirt the 'slob' moniker and instead look like a dedicated father who doesn't even have time to change.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

I sort of went 'Oh, great. I'm getting these great roles and I love doing them, but I'm going to be Anthony Perkins for the rest of my life.'

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

You had to do some club after school and it was either the sports or the intellectuals. And right smack in the middle was the acting thing for all the outcasts, which I fell into pretty easily.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

I actually am a computer nerd.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

My mother says my first television experience was hiding behind the sofa watching John Pertwee's 'Doctor Who.' I loved that show.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

I've always spoken very quickly, and when I get nervous, I talk even faster.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

In high school, you re either a bully, a jock or a nerd, and I somehow tried to jump between camps by using humor. It's amazing how you can blend in with that.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

Art, location, money - I say as long as you've got one of them, you're fine.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

There are so many sequels where everything between the special effects is just boring.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

The comedy and character interaction on 'Atlantis' is what makes it so different from most science fiction shows.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

As a kid, it was always my dream to open a closet and end up fighting dragons or battling aliens.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

I truly love science fiction; it's feeling you're something more than your present position in the world.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

I'll go out at night and look up at the stars and think, 'How ridiculously inconsequential I am in the scheme of things.'

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

As an actor, your best help is just to shut up and get out of the way.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

The nature of filmmaking is that there are so many people involved in it, so many fingers in the pie, that part of the talent of a director is to try and get your personality through in the movie.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

I've always loved cheesy stuff.

David Hewlett
David Hewlett

I adored my years playing Rodney McKay and I would jump at any chance to reprise the role!