Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Men fill up their heads and drawers and sheds with stuff from their teenage years.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Now, like a lot of parents, I have to fight with myself every time I leave the house not to buy my children more stuff.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

I avoid envy at all costs.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

I don't have any secrets; I don't believe in secrets.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

I won a robotics championship when I was 13.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

I have always been a little bit forgetful.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Left to their own devices, men would wear trainers with a pair of stonewashed jeans and would think nothing of throwing on a donkey jacket.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

I couldn't tell you my wedding anniversary (although I seem to remember it was in June. Or maybe July. Definitely a month beginning with a 'J,' anyhow. But not January. Um. I think) and people I went to school with get extremely fed up with me when I bump into them in the street and have absolutely no recollection of their faces.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Men are, on the whole, born without any fashion sense whatsoever. I don't say this to be mean, but I'm just being honest.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

If a straight man dresses well, chances are he's not straight.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

The truth is that tights are just so cosy.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

If you meet a girl who says: 'Darling, what do you mean? Of course I wear suspenders. I've worn them all my life. I think tights are for old people,' then know this: she's desperate to have kids, she wants you and her to live in the same house as her mum, she never wants to go out and she just wants to lie on your chest for the next 15 years.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Christmas is not a time for laughter. Christmas is a time for pain.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

I just don't 'get' pets.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Now people who keep fish disturb me the most, if I'm totally honest. They always smell a bit like fish food and they know just a bit too much about eels.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Rodents are pests and not pets, and anything that manically runs around a wheel 24/7 and occasionally has 19 babies in the middle of the night should not be brought into the house.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

A dark room with some low-level whale music and a flat bed and a woman pulling your shoulder back and forth is a happy place.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Who actually enjoys skiing? Come on, even Olympic ski masters, even James Bond, think that dressing up in all that fluorescent, insulated kit and having to manoeuvre down a mountain in the freezing cold is no way to spend leisure time.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

When you're down and have just split up from your partner everyone says you have to move forward. 'Get on with your life,' 'It's time to meet someone new,' and 'Don't think about the past' are phrases you'll hear for at least six months after the horrible event.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Being hummed at by someone with magic hands while they knead your neck is good for the soul, but it won't make you giggle for days afterwards. In fact, the second the smiley therapist stops and says, 'You can put your robe on now, the hour is up,' the joy and wonder sort of leaves the room.