Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

Being a great baker and pastry chef requires the upmost open mind. I try every dessert that comes my way!

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

I think a lot of people think being in the kitchen is being really serious, and especially that baking is very serious, very straitlaced. For me, it's about figuring out your voice, finding your personality, and getting in the kitchen to explore.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

When I get up early, I appreciate the quiet time to enjoy a coffee or water my plants.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

The secret to having an epically beloved bakery is consistency.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

Baking's meant to be done at home. It's meant to be a good time. It's not about, like, hoarding secrets. It's about sharing them.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

No matter how bad your day is, when you start talking about cookies or cakes or pies, or you bring someone cookies, there's just not bad news. The worst news is, 'Hey, there's sugar in that.'

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

I was an infamously picky eater as a child but also had an infamous sweet tooth. All I wanted was dessert for every meal of the day.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

As a chef, I got into this because I love the creative energy and I love the science, but I also love to feed people and make them happy.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

There is no right or wrong way to pair or prepare a dessert. Follow your instincts, edit, and taste-tweak-taste until you get it just right!

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

Know who you are and stay true to it. Have a point of view, keep your head down when noise tries to drown out your inner voice, and whatever you do, keep pushing.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

There are so many messages out there about what you should be eating and drinking and what you should be putting in your body at the beginning of the day. It's confusing, and people get very overwhelmed. Really, one of the greatest options is just a bowl of cereal and milk.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

As a boss, as a CEO, as a creative director, as a chef, I've learned that failure will always come. I've learned to give it a big squeeze, smile at it, humble myself to it and then use it as a springboard to send me on my way to strength, success, and fulfillment.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

A bright lipstick is a quick way to glam up my look.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

I need healthy options around, or else if I get hungry, I'll go straight for a cookie.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

Nothing could be lovelier than running across the Golden Gate Bridge in the middle of the fog.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

I love the warmth of apple pie.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

I love roasted pecans. I'll make a sort of granola with the roasted pecans, turn that into a super nutty pie crust, and top that with apple-syrup pudding and top that with cooked custard and maple syrup.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

It's that strength of the human spirit, the strength of what's deep down in you, that's really going to get you anywhere and everywhere.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

The thing I love about Vegas is there's something for any type of mood you're in and something for any kind of adventure you seek out.

Christina Tosi
Christina Tosi

At first, learning to bake was purely selfish, but I quickly learned I can't eat every batch of cookies myself, so I would bake and eat what I wanted and give the rest away. I fell in love with feeding others as much as I loved eating sweets myself.