Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

Without the railways, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened. I don't actually think the second world war would have happened without them.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

No, I'm very patriotic. I'm very British and I'm very pro-British, but that in no way means you therefore exterminate anybody else you meet who doesn't come from Britain!

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I didn't realise the depth of horror that happened in the Second World War every day.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

My dad was running up and down stairs at 85; my granddad lived until 96, and married a much younger woman at 86.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I did have an expensive divorce, but I'm now better off than I was. So I don't need to work, I just love it.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

Britain's Got Talent' isn't all that far from 'The Gong Show' 35 years ago, is it?

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

My dad was my hero. He was part of the D-Day landings and came back to Reading in 1945 - I was born in 1946 - so the house was full of soldiers who'd been to war and that was obviously the main topic.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I spent hours playing in the garden on my own. I used to play cricket with myself. I never remember thinking, I wish I had a brother or sister. I had a lot of friends, and that was fine.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

My own marriages have not been a great success. I've been divorced twice and when I first got divorced it hit my parents very hard.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

Some of the parts of Burma, we met people who'd never, ever gone out of their village. And they were brutally poor; incredibly poor. And yet they enjoy their lives.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I am incredibly lucky to be alive because one in three people who have strokes don't make it.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I love being British but our railways are shocking. We are so inured to how appalling our railways are. And the idea in almost any other country in the world that leaves on the line would be a problem!

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

When I was doing the breakfast show, I used to get up at three o'clock in the morning and go fishing before doing the show.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

Sometimes, I'd stop the car on the way home after filming 'Millionaire', and fish for a while in the dark.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I had a great childhood, I love my Dad to pieces and I just had a great time.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

When I was kid I always wanted to be either the captain of the England cricket team or I wanted to be a river bailiff.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I don't do manbags! But don't flaunt your money, your most expensive camera or your best watch. And don't use a cashpoint in the middle of nowhere, or carry anything loose; it might get stolen by someone racing past on a scooter.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I once went to La Boca district, where you can watch street performers doing tango, and joined in. But it's very hard to dance in Birkenstocks.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

I went to university in Birmingham in the 1970s just when the curry revolution was starting in Britain.

Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant

As I get older, the idea of wasting time is becoming more and more abhorrent to me and I can't stand the idea of simply lying in bed.