Chris Rea
Chris Rea

To say that losing your pancreas is a sad thing is not an overstatement. They had to take my pancreas away, my duodenum, and it's damaged for ever.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

Music is a saviour for me.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

It's impossible for a couple to bring up two children without having lots and lots of arguments.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

You do some crazy things when you're young.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

Rock n' roll was my art school. For many people from working-class backgrounds, rock wasn't a chosen thing, it was the only thing: the only avenue of creativity available for them.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

When I was young, I wanted, most of all, to be a writer of films and film music. But Middlesbrough in 1968 wasn't the place to be if you wanted to do movie scores.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

I am in that unique little club where I went into music because I love music, not because I wanted to be rich and famous.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

I've had nine major operations in ten years. A lot of it is to do with something called retroperitoneal fibrosis, where the internal tissues attack each other.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

I made a lot of money, but you can dangerously let it lead you on. It depends what company you keep.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

I'm never happy with anything I've done! If you sat me down and played everything I've ever recorded, I'd just sit there going, 'No... that could be better.'

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

I didn't start until I was 21, and most people I know were 13 when they had their first guitar - I missed that time where you sit in your bedroom all day for years and accidentally you're doing classical training, although you're not thinking of it that way. It's not as easy, as you get older, to do all that kind of practice.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

The operation left me very emotional. I cry a lot anyway. I've always been the type to feel hurt easily, but now I hit rock bottom.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

You can't have F1 without Ferrari - you just can't have it. It's part of the theme that is the red car, and a lot of it is to do with the colour.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

I've given up my Ferrari - the idea of going through my village in a 488... You can't drive them on English roads.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

Nothing was ever clean enough for my father. You could never clean as good as he could; you could never clean as fast and as thorough as he could.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

Touring is easy. My wife will be with me a lot of the time. We get spoilt rotten, and all I have to do is go on stage in wonderful places and play music.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

Being on the road isn't hell - it's pure pleasure now.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

I spend as much time as I can in my garden, and if I'm not writing songs or gardening, I'm painting.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

The Italian side of my family were gypsies, and we are little hard so-and-sos.

Chris Rea
Chris Rea

Five times a week, I do two hours running and gym work. That's to help with things like blood circulation. Also, it is good to be in shape in case I need to go into hospital again.