Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

No one ever complained about Facebook for a single day until Donald Trump was president.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

I think I had come from a consumer world for a long time and America and eyeballs were moving to social media in huge numbers, especially on mobile phones and devices. And when Donald Trump asked me to work on the campaign I also knew I had a great piece of product that would resonate with Americans.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

You want a great product, you want things that resonate with people and make them dance.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

The Republican Party is in a great place for 2018 and I think Americans will continue to support the Trump agenda.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

Since President Trump has assumed office, I have learned a great deal about the problems on our borders.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

I recognized that I was a nobody in San Antonio, but working for the Trumps would be everything.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

A digital director shouldn't be out front, but a campaign manager's job is to set a narrative.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

The old Republican Party is gone. It's now Trump's party.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

When Donald Trump became the candidate we didn't have any money other than Mr. Trump's money and I don't think he wanted to write that check all himself. We needed to create a grassroots campaign and we needed to go out and find millions of people to be our supporters and Facebook allowed us to do that in alarming numbers, very fast.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

Look, we are building out a large coalition program from Latinos for Trump, Black Voices for Trump, the faith-based, all kinds of different coalitions. That's an important thing for us to do. We need to turn out those voters.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

Look, I think this president has said very clear that he cares about the cost of rising healthcare in this country. And if we are being correct about it, it was President Trump that saved the failing Obamacare that was falling off the cliff when he came into office.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

I have a daughter in college myself. It's an expensive thing.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

I think the Republican Party is in a strong position with Latino voters and other demographics.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

It was voters in the Rust Belt that cared about their roads being rebuilt, their highways, their bridges. They felt like the world was crumbling. So I started making ads that would show the bridge crumbling.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

Romania seems to be a very pro-Trump country and a pro-America country, and that's why it's a great honor to come visit.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

I think polling methodology is broken.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

I don't believe in traditional, head-to-head polling.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

I try to be a perfectionist.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

Most people don't understand what the RNC ground game is.

Brad Parscale
Brad Parscale

Well, I mean, I think all campaigns run negative and positive ads.