Aisha Tyler
Aisha Tyler

I was raised by a single dad. Dad's idea of hanging out with your kid or day care was give her $20 in quarters, drop her at the arcade, and tell her not to talk to strangers.

Aja Naomi King
Aja Naomi King

I saw 'Birth' at the Sundance Film Festival with a thousand other strangers, and I couldn't believe that was me in the film. I didn't recognize myself.

Alan Cumming
Alan Cumming

I'm quite good, though I say it myself, at making strangers feel at ease.

Alan Gerry
Alan Gerry

I can't imagine finding success and then moving to a building in Manhattan with 300 strangers, like a bunch of little ants going home at night.

Alan Guth
Alan Guth

When one studies the properties of atoms, one found that the reality is far stranger than anybody would have invented in the form of fiction. Particles really do have the possibility of, in some sense, being in more than one place at one time.

Alan Huffman
Alan Huffman

Long-distance train conversations are unlike the perfunctory exchanges one normally associates with strangers, or the truncated, cut-to-the-chase kind that sometimes take place between seatmates on a plane.

Alan King
Alan King

Marriage is nature's way of keeping us from fighting with strangers.

Alan Ladd
Alan Ladd

Strangers still leave me self-conscious.

Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene

For the cable news guest, nothing happens for a while until suddenly everything happens very quickly. After you receive your television face, you stand around for a while, ignored, until you're sat down at a desk and asked to argue with strangers.

Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene

Many people - especially those people who earn livings by convincing editors and bookers that rich and influential strangers consider their thoughts and opinions interesting - have ideas about who should or should not run for president.