Alan Guth
Alan Guth

When one studies the properties of atoms, one found that the reality is far stranger than anybody would have invented in the form of fiction. Particles really do have the possibility of, in some sense, being in more than one place at one time.

Alfred Hershey
Alfred Hershey

Virus particles contain single molecules of nucleic acid.

Alfred Hershey
Alfred Hershey

Physical studies of DNA had, of course, been under way for some years before analysis of virus particles began.

Antony Garrett Lisi
Antony Garrett Lisi

What physics tells us is that everything comes down to geometry and the interactions of elementary particles. And things can happen only if these interactions are perfectly balanced.

Ashoke Sen
Ashoke Sen

My work indicated that if we consider smaller and smaller black holes, at some stage, the properties of black holes become indistinguishable from those of elementary particles.

Ashoke Sen
Ashoke Sen

I work in string theory. This is a branch of physics which assumes that the elementary objects in the universe are not particles but one-dimensional objects, that is, strings.

Ashoke Sen
Ashoke Sen

My work on black holes was on the connection between black holes and elementary particles.

Carl D. Anderson
Carl D. Anderson

Measurements of the specific ionization of both the positive and negative particles, by counting the number of droplets per unit length along the tracks, showed the great majority of both the positive and negative particles to possess unit electric charge.

Cecil Frank Powell
Cecil Frank Powell

The particular features of the photographic method of detecting atomic particles enabled us to establish the existence of transient forms of matter which had escaped recognition by other methods.

Charles Platt
Charles Platt

The idea of an e-book has been around since the late 1970s, when researchers at Xerox PARC got on the case. Their prototype used millions of little magnetic particles, black on one side and white on the other, loosely embedded in the surface of a soft sheet of rubber.