Graham Hawkes
Graham Hawkes

I think the future of this planet depends on humans, not technology, and we already have the knowledge - we're kind of at the endgame with knowledge. But we're nowhere near the endgame when it comes to our perception. We still have one foot in the dark ages.

Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas

Truman fired the popular Gen. Douglas MacArthur because he disobeyed orders in the Korean War. Johnson knew that he had reached the endgame in Vietnam when Gen. William Westmoreland, the top commander in Vietnam, requested 240,000 more troops in 1968 for the prolonged war that also could not be won.

Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump

Modeling was not an endgame for me. I didn't particularly enjoy the act of it.

Johnny Christ
Johnny Christ

The importance of first-week sales has kind of diminished, in our opinion, in the industry, and we don't really know what it really means anymore. It is what it is in the industry. And for us, it's all about the endgame, not where it begins.

Joshua Malina
Joshua Malina

A lot of shows, things will just simmer and simmer and maybe never explode into the open, or only risk exploding into the open when it's clear that the series has gotten to its endgame. So I'm always impressed - but not surprised - when 'Scandal' just completely goes for it.

Judy Smith
Judy Smith

When clients are involved in a crisis, we often start at the end. When this is over, where do you want to end up? What's your endgame? We try to start from that and work ourselves back.

Julie Plec
Julie Plec

Fans are always talking about endgame as though endgame has been chosen from minute 1. I don't know that you could talk to a single series creator that would say confidently 'Where I started is where I finished, and there was no way in hell I was going to stray from that path.' 'Dawson's' being the perfect example.

Lee Myung-bak
Lee Myung-bak

The endgame is peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.

Mark Ruffalo
Mark Ruffalo

It's imperative that we opt out of the fossil fuel endgame.

Raphael Bob-Waksberg
Raphael Bob-Waksberg

I think life doesn't necessarily have an endgame.