A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

We must get rid of fossil fuels by developing injection systems for automobiles, which can run on bio-fuel.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

I write in two very different places: my desk in Palo Alto, California, is piled high with myriad jumbled books and papers whose stratigraphy is a challenge. Summers in Bozeman, Montana, I write in a spare space, surrounded by interesting rocks and fossils instead of books, on an old oak table with nothing but my laptop.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

Many scholars are not used to perceiving natural knowledge expressed in mythological language. If the study of fossils was not mentioned by Aristotle or Thucydides, and it wasn't, then it just didn't exist for many classicists and ancient historians.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

Just as a fossil is 'petrified time,' so is an ancient artifact or text.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

I have discovered that if you take all the places of Greek myths, those specific locales turn out to be abundant fossil sites, but there is also a lot of natural knowledge embedded in those myths, showing that Greek perceptions about fossils were pretty amazing for prescientific people.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

Historical records show that Abenakis and other Natives encountered European explorers and traders in Canada looking for sources of ivory to compete with the Russian trade in Siberian fossil mammoth ivory - these traders routinely asked about ivory 'horns' and teeth.

Albert Wynn
Albert Wynn

We must move away from our dependency on fossil fuels, and I am glad that GM has invested over $1 billion in hydrogen fuel cells cars to meet this goal.

Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin

If Hank Williams Jr. wasn't such a pathetic, wheezing fossil, I'd have a talk with him.

Alex Steffen
Alex Steffen

It is very possible to have lives that are just as prosperous, and nicer, that use 5 percent of the fossil fuels and virgin materials we do now. But if we're living anything like the average McMansion-ite, SUV-driving suburbanites, there's simply no way that can be powered in a climate-friendly way.

Alexandra Paul
Alexandra Paul

There is a reason it is called fossil fuel-it is an outdated method of getting power.