Metro Boomin
Metro Boomin

On Christmas, when I was 13, my mom got me my first laptop. I downloaded it, FruityLoops, cause I had heard about it, and started messing around.

Niklas Zennstrom
Niklas Zennstrom

Then people started using it more and more and it became the most downloaded software on the internet.

Peter Capaldi
Peter Capaldi

Even though I am a lifelong 'Doctor Who' fan, I've not played him since I was nine. I downloaded old scripts and practised those in front of the mirror.

Rachel Sklar
Rachel Sklar

I downloaded a Ricky Gervais podcast once at the persistent urging of a friend and found it funny but distracting - if I'm online, I'm surfing, which means I'm distracted from the podcast. So it's a form that doesn't really work for me.

Walt Mossberg
Walt Mossberg

With Caavo, you don't have to know the device name, the network name, the service name. Just which show you want to watch, regardless of whether it's live, recorded, downloaded or streaming.


Glen: So I downloaded a couple thousand songs off the internet! Who hasn't? Who hasn't?

Family Guy
Family Guy

LaDonne: Hi, gorgeous man!
Stewie Griffin: Oh, you... Must I lock up your tongue with the rest of the silver?
LaDonne: Stewie, this is Jeremy!
Jeremy: Hey, little man!
[pats him on the head]
Jeremy: So you're the guy who's been trying to steal my girlfriend!
Stewie Griffin: Wha- you- Girlfriend? Oh, what kind of sick,

twisted game are you playing at?
LaDonne: Stewie sounds a little cranky. I'll put him to bed.
[picks him up]
Stewie Griffin: [takes Jeremy's hat as he's carried away] Ha! I've got your hat! Take that, Hatless! Now go back to the quad and resume your hacky-sack tournee! I'm not going to lie down for some frat-boy bastard with his damn Teva sandals and his Skoal

bandits and his Abercrombie & Fitch long-sleeved, open-stitch, crew-neck Henley smoking his sticky-buds out of a soda can while watching his favorite downloaded "Simpsons" episodes every night! Yes, we all love "Mr. Plow." Oh, you've got the song memorized, do you?
Stewie Griffin: So does everyone else! That is *exactly* the kind of idiot you see at Taco

Bell at one in the morning! The guy who just whiffed his way down the bar-skank ladder!


Ellie Arroway: You're not real. None of this is real.
Alien: [disguised as her father] That's my scientist.
Ellie Arroway: [looking the beach around you] When I was unconscious, you downloaded my thoughts, my memories, even Pensacola.
Alien: We thought this might make things easier for you.

Hard Candy
Hard Candy

Jeff Kohlver: You're getting yourself in terrible trouble.
Hayley Stark: Oh? Oh, and how's that?
Jeff Kohlver: If you cut me in any way, you won't forget it. It changes you when you hurt somebody.
Hayley Stark: Oh, and you speak from experience, I guess.
Jeff Kohlver: I've just lived.

Unlike you. The things you do wrong... they haunt you.
Hayley Stark: Tell me what you're haunted by.
Jeff Kohlver: Do you wanna remember this day when you're with a guy? On a date? On your wedding night? 'Cause I promise you, you will. Don't do that to yourself.
Hayley Stark: Wow... You know, that is so thoughtful! You are

speaking to me so selflessly! I mean, you just don't want me to castrate you for my own benefit? Wow, I'm touched. Jeff, why don't we imagine someone saying the same thing to you at a random moment? Imagine that when you downloaded this little girl... I was sitting by your side, saying, "Stop, don't do that to yourself." Would you have listened? "Stop. Don't do that to yourself."

Bridge to Terabithia
Bridge to Terabithia

Mrs. Myers: Be forewarned. If you download any essay off of the internet, you will be downloaded into detention.