The Usual Suspects
The Usual Suspects

Kobayashi: Get your rest, Gentlemen. The boat will be ready for you on Friday. If I see you or any of your friends before then, Miss. Finneran will find herself the victim of a most gruesome violation before she dies. As will your father, Mr. Hockney. and your Uncle Randall in Arizona, Mr. Kint. I might only castrate Mr. McManus's nephew, David. Do I make myself clear?

The Butterfly Effect
The Butterfly Effect

[Evan tells Kayleigh to cover her ears]
Evan at 7: What time is it?
Mr. George Miller: It's time for you to do what I tell you to do.
Evan at 7: Wrong answer, fuckbag. This is the very moment of your reckoning. In the next 30 seconds you're gonna open up one of two doors. The first door will forever traumatize your own flesh

and blood.
Mr. George Miller: What, what, what's happening? How are you doing this?
Evan at 7: It'll change your daughter from a beautiful child into an empty shell whose only concept of trust was betrayed by her own sick pedophile father. Ultimately? It'll lead to her suicide. Nice work, Daddy.
Mr. George Miller: Who are you?

Evan at 7: Let's just say you're being closely watched, George. Your other option is to treat Kayleigh like, say, like a loving father treats his daughter. Sound okay to you, Papa?
Mr. George Miller: Yes.
Evan at 7: Listen close then, fuckbag. You screw this up again - I'll flat-out castrate you. What you need to do, is

discipline your son Tommy, 'cause the kid is one sadistic pup. One last thing...
[Evan whispers something in Kayleigh's ear]
Kayleigh at 7: [yelling at her father] Don't ever touch me again!
Mr. George Miller: I won't.

Hard Candy
Hard Candy

Jeff Kohlver: You're getting yourself in terrible trouble.
Hayley Stark: Oh? Oh, and how's that?
Jeff Kohlver: If you cut me in any way, you won't forget it. It changes you when you hurt somebody.
Hayley Stark: Oh, and you speak from experience, I guess.
Jeff Kohlver: I've just lived.

Unlike you. The things you do wrong... they haunt you.
Hayley Stark: Tell me what you're haunted by.
Jeff Kohlver: Do you wanna remember this day when you're with a guy? On a date? On your wedding night? 'Cause I promise you, you will. Don't do that to yourself.
Hayley Stark: Wow... You know, that is so thoughtful! You are

speaking to me so selflessly! I mean, you just don't want me to castrate you for my own benefit? Wow, I'm touched. Jeff, why don't we imagine someone saying the same thing to you at a random moment? Imagine that when you downloaded this little girl... I was sitting by your side, saying, "Stop, don't do that to yourself." Would you have listened? "Stop. Don't do that to yourself."


Roy Pulsipher: [to Nick] You are just gonna have to learn to sit on your regret and pain until it turns into a dull, persistent ache. The way I do it. The way a man does it.
Business Person: [walks up to Roy's avatar] I do music videos. Home phone number's on the back.
Roy Pulsipher: Excuse me? I'm not a piece of meat put on this

earth for your gratification, I'm a woman. Respect me or I will castrate you like a three-year-old steer.